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Ján Kluka edited this page Jan 29, 2023 · 21 revisions
  no_pickaxe_found: "&cYou do not have any diamond pickaxe!"
  enchant_max_level: "&e&l(!) &eYou have already maxed out this enchantment"
  enchant_max_level_exceed: "&e&l(!) &eThis transaction would exceed the max level for this enchant."
  enchant_min_level_exceed: "&e&l(!) &eThis transaction would exceed the min level for this enchant."
  not_enough_tokens: "&cYou do not have enough tokens!"
  enchant_bought: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &c&l-%tokens% TOKENS"
  enchant_bought_multiple: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &7You have bought &f%amount% &7levels of %enchant%&r &7for &f%tokens% &7tokens."
  enchant_refunded: "&e&lREFUND &8» &7You have refunded &f%amount% &7levels of %enchant%"
  enchant_tokens_back: "&e&lREFUND &8» &7You have received &f%tokens% &7tokens back."
  enchant_cant_disenchant: "&c&l(!) &cThis enchant can't be disenchanted."
  enchant_no_level: "&e&l(!) &cYou do not have this enchant!"
  charity_other: "&a&l+ $%amount% &7(From %player%'s Charity)"
  charity_your: "&a&l+ $%amount% &7(From Your Charity)"
  blessing_other: "&6&l+ %amount% TOKENS &7(From %player%'s Blessing)"
  blessing_your: "&6&l+ %amount% TOKENS &7(From Your Blessing)"
  layer_disabled: "&e&l(!) &7You've &c&lDISABLED &7layer."
  layer_enabled: "&e&l(!) &7You've &a&lENABLED &7layer."
  block_booster_on: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &fBlock Booster &7has &Aactivated&7, &FX2 Blocks &7for &a&l5:00"
  block_booster_off: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &fBlock Booster &7has &cDeactivated&7."
  explosive_disabled: "&e&l(!) &7You've &c&lDISABLED &7explosive."
  explosive_enabled: "&e&l(!) &7You've &a&lENABLED &7explosive."
  value_no_permission: "&e&lVALUE &8» &7No Permission, Unlock at &"
  value_no_pickaxe: "&e&lVALUE &8» &7You must hold an pickaxe in your hand."
  value_value: "&e&lVALUE &8» &f%player%'s &7Pickaxe Value: &f%tokens% Tokens&7."
  value_cooldown: "&e&lVALUE &8» &7Please wait &f%time% Seconds&7 before using this command again."
  pickaxe_given: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &fYou have given pickaxe to &e%player%"
  pickaxe_received: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &fYou have received pickaxe from &e%sender%"
  pickaxe_inventory_full: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &e%player% &chas full inventory!"
  prestige_finder: "&e&lPRESTIGE FINDER &8» &7You've just found a &fX%prestige% Prestige Level &7while mining."
  transaction_in_progress: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &cPlease wait for your other transaction to complete."
  pickaxe_level_required: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &cYou need to have at least &ePickaxe Level %pickaxe_level%&c in order to enchant this!"
# Should we keep UPC Enchanted pickaxes in players inventory when they die?
keep-pickaxes-on-death: true
# Action to open Enchanting menu while holding pickaxe. For multiple, separate them with ',' (LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK,RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK,LEFT_CLICK_AIR,RIGHT_CLICK_AIR,PHYSICAL)
open-enchant-menu-action: "RIGHT_CLICK_AIR,RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK"
# Enchant Menu Settings
  # GUI Name
  title: "&7Enchants Menu"
  # Filler items
  empty_slots: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7
  # Number of GUI rows
  lines: 6
  # Slot where player's pickaxe should be displayed
  pickaxe_slot: 13
  # Should we show player's pickaxe in GUI ?
  pickaxe_enabled: true
  # Displaying Enchant Info
      - "&7%description%"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &ePrice: &f%cost%"
      - "&6&l* &eMax Level: &f%max_level%"
      - "&6&l* &eCurrent Level: &f%current_level%"
      - "&6&l* &eChance to trigger: &f%%chance%"
      - " "
      - "&7&o(( &f&oLeft-Click&7&o to add 1 level ))"
      - "&7&o(( &f&oRight-Click&7&o to add 10 levels ))"
      - "&7&o(( &f&oMiddle-Click&7&o to add 100 levels ))"
      - "&7&o(( &f&oPress 'Q'&7&o to buy as much as you can afford ))"
      - " "
      - "&c&lYou must have at least Level %pickaxe_level% on your pickaxe"
  # Help item settings
    enabled: true
    material: NAME_TAG
    #If you would like to use Base64 custom player skulls, just uncomment this line an change the Material above to PLAYER_HEAD
    #Base64: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2YzY2E0ZjdjOTJkZGUzYTc3ZWM1MTBhNzRiYThjMmU4ZDBlYzdiODBmMGUzNDhjYzZkZGRkNmI0NThiZCJ9fX0=
    slot: 15
    name: "&6&lHOW IT WORKS?"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &eLeft-Click &8» &7Buy 1 Level"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &eRight-Click &8» &7Buy 10 Levels"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &eMiddle-Click &8» &7Buy 100 Levels"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &ePress Q &8» &7Buy MAX you can afford"
      - " "
      - "&7&o(( &f&oClick&7&o on the enchant to buy ))"
  # Disenchant item settings
    enabled: true
    material: FLINT_AND_STEEL
    slot: 11
    name: "&c&lDISENCHANTING"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &eClick to open Disenchant GUI"
      - " "
# Disenchant menu settings
  # GUI Name
  title: "&7Disenchant Menu"
  # Filler items
  empty_slots: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7
  # Number of GUI rows
  lines: 6
  # Player's pickaxe GUI slot
  pickaxe_slot: 13
  # Should we show player's pickaxe in Disenchant GUI ?
  pickaxe_enabled: true
  # Displaying Enchant Info
      - "&6&l* &eCurrent Level: &f%current_level%"
      - "&6&l* &eRefunded Price: &f%refund%"
      - " "
      - "&7&o(( &f&oLeft-Click&7&o to refund 1 level ))"
      - "&7&o(( &f&oRight-Click&7&o to refund 10 levels ))"
      - "&7&o(( &f&oMiddle-Click&7&o to refund 100 levels ))"
      - "&7&o(( &f&oPress 'Q'&7&o to refund ALL levels ))"
  # Help Item settings
    enabled: true
    material: NAME_TAG
    slot: 15
    name: "&6&lHOW IT WORKS?"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &eLeft-Click &8» &7-1 Levels"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &eRight-Click &8» &7-10 Levels"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &eMiddle-Click &8» &7-100 Levels"
      - " "
      - "&6&l* &e'Q' &8» &7-ALL Levels"
      - "&7&o(( &f&oClick&7&o on the enchant name to disenchant ))"
# All available UPC  Enchants settings.
  # Enchant ID
    # Raw name of the enchant for some commands.
    RawName: "efficiency"
    # Displayname in chat / lore of the enchant
    Name: '&aEfficiency'
    # Name in Enchant / Disenchant GUI
    GuiName: '&aEfficiency'
    # Representative icon of enchant in GUI
    Material: BOOK
    #If you would like to use Base64 custom player skulls, just uncomment this line an change the Material above to PLAYER_HEAD
    #Base64: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTY4M2RhZTZkMTMyZjUyZWZhNTVlOThjMTgxZGVmNTQwMzY3MmZkZWMyY2JjZjQ3OTMxNDJjYjBlNTliZDAifX19
    # Should enchant be enabled ?
    Enabled: true
    # Enchant GUI slot
    InGuiSlot: 27
    # Increasing cost per level
    Increase-Cost-by: 10
    # Max level of enchant
    Max: 500
    # Initial cost of enchant
    Cost: 10
    # Description of enchant show in GUIs
      - '&7&o(( Ability to mine blocks faster ))'
    # Refund settings
      # Can this enchant be refunded?
      Enabled: true
      # Disenchant GUI slot
      InGuiSlot: 27
      # Refund percentage
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "unbreaking"
    Name: '&bUnbreaking'
    GuiName: '&bUnbreaking'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 28
    Increase-Cost-by: 75
    Max: 300
    Cost: 75
      - '&7&o(( Prevents your pickaxe from breaking while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 28
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "fortune"
    Name: '&cFortune'
    GuiName: '&cFortune'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 29
    Increase-Cost-by: 75
    Max: -1
    Cost: 75
      - BEDROCK
      - '&7&o(( Ability to receive more blocks while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 29
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "haste"
    Name: '&dHaste'
    GuiName: '&dHaste'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 30
    Increase-Cost-by: 2500
    Max: 5
    Cost: 2500
      - '&7&o(( Ability to swing your pickaxe faster while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 30
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "speed"
    Name: '&aSpeed'
    GuiName: '&aSpeed'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 31
    Increase-Cost-by: 10000
    Max: 2
    Cost: 10000
      - '&7&o(( Ability to move faster while holding your pickaxe ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 31
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "jumpboost"
    Name: '&bJump Boost'
    GuiName: '&bJump Boost'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 32
    Increase-Cost-by: 5000
    Max: 5
    Cost: 5000
      - '&7&o(( Ability to jump higher while holding your pickaxe ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 32
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "nightvision"
    Name: '&cNight Vision'
    GuiName: '&cNight Vision'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 33
    Increase-Cost-by: 0
    Max: 1
    Cost: 10000
      - '&7&o(( Ability to see in the dark while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 33
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "fly"
    Name: '&cFly'
    GuiName: '&cFly'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 34
    Increase-Cost-by: 350
    Max: 1
    Cost: 10000
      - '&7&o(( Ability to fly while holding pickaxe ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 34
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "explosive"
    Name: '&aExplosive'
    GuiName: '&aExplosive'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 35
    Increase-Cost-by: 125
    Cooldown: 0
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Cost: 125
      - '&7&o(( Explodes nearby blocks while mining ))'
    Count-Blocks-Broken: true
    Explosion-Type: CUBE
    Sounds: true
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 35
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "layer"
    Name: '&bLayer'
    GuiName: '&bLayer'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    Chance: 0.2
    InGuiSlot: 36
    Increase-Cost-by: 200
    Max: 500
    Cost: 200
      - '&7&o(( Ability to break full layer of your mine while mining))'
    Count-Blocks-Broken: true
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 36
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "charity"
    Name: '&cCharity'
    GuiName: '&cCharity'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 37
    Increase-Cost-by: 25
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Amount-To-Give: "level * 1000"
    Cost: 25
    Messages-Enabled: true
      - '&7&o(( Chance to give to everyone online money while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 37
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "salary"
    Name: '&dSalary'
    GuiName: '&dSalary'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 38
    Increase-Cost-by: 35
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Amount-To-Give: "level * 1000"
    Cost: 35
      - '&7&o(( Ability to receive more money while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 38
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "blessing"
    Name: '&eBlessing'
    GuiName: '&eBlessing'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 39
    Increase-Cost-by: 25
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Amount-To-Give: "level * 2"
    Cost: 25
    Messages-Enabled: true
      - '&7&o(( Chance to give to everyone online tokens while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 39
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "tokenator"
    Name: '&aTokenator'
    GuiName: '&aTokenator'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 40
    Increase-Cost-by: 6
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Amount-To-Give: "level * 2"
    Cost: 12
      - '&7&o(( Ability to gain more tokens while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 40
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "keyfinder"
    Name: '&bKey Finder'
    GuiName: '&bKey Finder'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 41
    Increase-Cost-by: 350
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Cost: 350
      - '&7&o(( Ability to find crate keys while mining ))'
      - cc give physical Coal 1 %player%
      - cc give physical Iron 1 %player%
      - cc give physical Gold 1 %player%
      - cc give physical Diamond 1 %player%
      - cc give physical Emerald 1 %player%
      - cc give physical Token 1 %player%
      - cc give physical Token 2 %player%
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 41
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "prestigefinder"
    Name: '&aPrestige Finder'
    GuiName: '&aPrestige Finder'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    Amount-To-Give: "level"
    InGuiSlot: 42
    Increase-Cost-by: 175
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Cost: 175
    Command: "prestigeadmin add %player% %amount%"
      - '&7&o(( Ability to find prestige levels while mining. ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 42
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "blockbooster"
    Name: '&dBlock Booster'
    GuiName: '&dBlock Booster'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 43
    Increase-Cost-by: 225
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Cost: 500
      - '&7&o(( Ability to receive x2 Blocks for 1 Minute while mining))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 43
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "keyalls"
    Name: '&cKeyalls'
    GuiName: '&cKeyalls'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 44
    Increase-Cost-by: 350
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Cost: 350
      - '&7&o(( Ability to give everyone crate keys while mining ))'
    Pickaxe-Level-Required: 1
      - cc giveall physical Token 1
      - cc giveall physical Token 2
      - cc giveall physical Coal 1
      - cc giveall physical Iron 1
      - cc giveall physical Gold 1
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 44
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "autosell"
    Name: '&eAutosell'
    GuiName: '&eAutosell'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 45
    Increase-Cost-by: 0
    Max: 1
    Chance: 25.0
    Cost: 1000
      - '&7&o(( Ability to sell all items while mining ))'
    Pickaxe-Level-Required: 1
    Messages-Enabled: true
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 45
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "voucher"
    Name: '&bVoucher Finder'
    GuiName: '&bVoucher Finder'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 46
    Increase-Cost-by: 5000
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Cost: 5000
      - '&7&o(( Ability to find store vouchers while mining ))'
    Pickaxe-Level-Required: 1
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 46
      Percentage: 50.0
        command: 'voucher give %player% 5$'
        chance: 50
        command: 'voucher give %player% 10$'
        chance: 25
        command: 'voucher give %player% 25$'
        chance: 10
        command: 'voucher give %player% 50$'
        chance: 5
        command: 'voucher give %player% 50$'
        chance: 1
    RawName: "nuke"
    Name: '&cNuke'
    GuiName: '&cNuke'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 47
    Increase-Cost-by: 0
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Cost: 1000
      - '&7&o(( Ability to break whole mine while mining ))'
    Pickaxe-Level-Required: 1
    Remove-Blocks: true
    Count-Blocks-Broken: true
    Message: "&e&lENCHANT &8» &7You got &2&l$&a%money% &7from &c&lNuke &7activation."
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 47
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "gemfinder"
    Name: '&aGem Finder'
    GuiName: '&aGem Finder'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 48
    Increase-Cost-by: 6
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Amount-To-Give: "level * 2"
    Cost: 12
      - '&7&o(( Ability to find gems while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 48
      Percentage: 50.0
    RawName: "gang-value-finder"
    Name: '&eGang Value Finder'
    GuiName: '&eGang Value Finder'
    Material: BOOK
    Enabled: true
    InGuiSlot: 49
    Increase-Cost-by: 6
    Max: 500
    Chance: 0.2
    Amount-To-Give: "level * 2"
    Cost: 12
      - '&7&o(( Ability to find gang value while mining ))'
      Enabled: true
      InGuiSlot: 49
      Percentage: 50.0
# Format of every pickaxe that has UPC Enchants on it
# %Enchant-X% represents the name + level of specific enchant (X = id)
    - '&8&m------------------------'
    - '&E&lBLOCKS MINED: &f%Blocks%/%Blocks_Required%'
    - '&E&lPICKAXE LEVEL: &f%PickaxeLevel% &7[%PickaxeProgress%&7]'
    - '&8&m------------------------'
    - '%Enchant-1%'
    - '%Enchant-2%'
    - '%Enchant-3%'
    - '%Enchant-4%'
    - '%Enchant-5%'
    - '%Enchant-6%'
    - '%Enchant-7%'
    - '%Enchant-8%'
    - '%Enchant-9%'
    - '%Enchant-10%'
    - '%Enchant-11%'
    - '%Enchant-12%'
    - '%Enchant-13%'
    - '%Enchant-14%'
    - '%Enchant-15%'
    - '%Enchant-16%'
    - '%Enchant-17%'
    - '%Enchant-18%'
    - '%Enchant-19%'
    - '%Enchant-20%'
    - '%Enchant-21%'
    - '%Enchant-22%'
    - '%Enchant-23%'
# First Join Pickaxe Settings
  # Should we give this pickaxe to players when they first join?
  enabled: true
  # Name of pickaxe
  name: "&e%player%'s Pickaxe"
  # Material of pickaxe
  # Raw names + levels of specific enchants for first join pickaxe
    - efficiency 10
    - unbreaking 10
    - fortune 10