Simple book store application. User can:
- see all available books in-store (fetched from the API)
- search available books by their title
- add a book to a cart
- see that he added a book to cart (a buy button is disabled)
- remove a book from a cart
- see total price
- see discount
- see the final price to pay
Some books are part of a special offer (have set property specialOffer
to true
). Every three books on promotion added to cart make the lower price book free
Actual URL of the API is:
return all books from JSON file
This endpoint return books grouped by pages
- page - actual page to receive - started from 1.
- limit - number of elements in page
This endpoint return all books that includes search pharse
- q - search pharse. If not provider returns all available books.
- This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- This project includes bulma CSS framework.