Spans search dashboard, allowing free text search.
- Client side: React + Typescript + Material UI + Styled Components
- Server side: Nodejs + express server.
Packages used:
node-cache - for cache on server side
json-bigint - parsing large numbers from json file
- Home page ("/")
- Span Viewer ("/span/:id")
- Home page - displaying all span's data in a table with pigination.
- Span page - displaying single span data
- get search terms from request and validate them.
- process and parse search terms to create list of objects with the following structure:
example: the following search terms "resource.type" === "http" and "duration” > 1000 will convert to;
leftOperand: "resource.type",
operator: "===",
rightOperand: "http"
leftOperand: "duration",
operator: ">",
rightOperand: 1000
- traverse recursivly on each key,value in the javascript object until all search terms are matched.
- return spans
to run the project, run npm install on both "client" and "server".
./client > npm i
./server > npm i
./client > npm start
./server > node server.js
- add testing server + client
- add paging to dashboard