This is a reverse-engineered Ruby wrapper for the Substack API. Please note that this project is not officially supported by Substack and is in extremely early stages of development. As such, it is likely to be buggy and incomplete.
At present, this gem only allows you to publish a draft article and it does so by retrieving cookies from a Selenium session in order to authenticate. More features will be added as the project evolves.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'substack', git: ''
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
gem install specific_install
gem specific_install -l
To use the gem, you can start an interactive Ruby session with:
irb -r substack
Here is a basic example of how to publish a draft article:
require 'substack'
client = 'your_email', password: 'your_password')
post = 'Draft Title', subtitle: 'Draft Subtitle', user_id: client.get_user_id)
post.paragraph('This is the first paragraph of the draft.')
post.heading('This is a heading', level: 2)
post.paragraph('This is another paragraph.')
post.captioned_image(attrs: { src: 'image_url', alt: 'Image description' })
post.text('This is some additional text.')
post.marks([{ type: 'bold' }, { type: 'italic' }])'video_id')
post.subscribe_with_caption(message: 'Subscribe for more updates!')
draft = post.get_draft
Pull requests are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.