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Dubwise edited this page Sep 25, 2019 · 5 revisions

What is a reactor containment room, why do i need it, and what goes inside?

A containment room is simply a room that you put the radioactive parts of a reactor system in. For example it could contain your core, a storage pool placed very close to the core to reduce transfer time, fuel processors, and a stockpile of fresh fuel, the room would have fireproof floors doors and walls, fire suppression systems, and enough space and/or walls to minimize exposure to people outside during fuel transfer. Reactor workers should ideally wear full radiation suits, be given iodine pills, and be locked into the containment room until the fuel transfer is complete. If the containment room is inside a mountain then it can also be kept below 0 to reduce the chance of bugs spawning.

How do i use the reactor UI? From a cold start you need to designate slots to install fuel, once installed hit the start button, then slowly increase the flux to the desired level while monitoring temps by using the flux control or the flux nudge bars, the nudge bar changes the flux by a small constant amount while you hold it.

Why can't I load fuel into my reactor?

First make sure that you have opened the reactor UI using a pawn, and marked 1 or more slots to install fuel, and that the type of fuel marked for install is the same type you have available, you can change the fuel type to MOX or normal by toggling the fuel icon in the reactor UI.

The core must also be shut down and cold, do this by opening the reactor UI and pressing the SCRAM button, then it will flash amber lights as it shuts down then finally show blue lights once its cold and can be loaded with fuel.

If you have fuel and it still says there's none available the problem may be that you are storing it in a fuel storage pool, these pools are for long term storage of spent fuel and new fuel can be stored safely in normal stockpiles, open the fuel pool inventory tab and mark the fuel to be removed, then you can install it.

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