Releases: DukeLupus/QuickList
Releases · DukeLupus/QuickList
Beta 7
- major speed-up when using excluded extensions (probably 20x faster now)
- minor speed-up from better string comparisons
- major code cleanup that has no effect on speed but makes me happy
Beta 6
Beta 5
- fix mistake with reading the configuration
- add excluded filenames
- improve excluded extension handling
- show better version format in UI
- add version and configuration to log
Beta 4
- added excluded extensions support.
This is most likely the last feature beta, as now we should have full compatibility/parity with QuickList v2
Beta 3
- Set file operations to single thread by default (may be faster on non-SSD drives)
- Multi-threading of media info gathering, controlled by the same key as file operations
- Leave labels enabled in UI, letting user to click on them
Beta 2
- (hopefully) better handling of showing/hiding UI
- option to reduce threading for file gathering. Might help with inconsistent speed for file gathering in slower or badly fragmented non-SSD drives with many subfolders