This is a small utility written in Haskell for generating images with a certain size.
Developed for the needs of testing.
It was originally written in Python.
- Generate PNG images with target size
- Parallel processing
- Scaling images (same images with deferent sizes)
If you need more formats -> open an Issue
Have interesting ideas for generator functions -> welcome to PR!
Go to release page and get binary for your platform
hsDummyImage - tool for generating images with target file size
Usage: hsDummyImage* [-s|--size SIZE] [-u|--units {b, kb, mb, gb}]
[-o|--output NAME] [-d|--output-dir PATH]
[-f|--gen-func GEN_FUNC] [--dump-func-list]
Available options:
-s,--size SIZE Target size for dummy in UNITS (default: 100)
-u,--units {b, kb, mb, gb}
One of {b, kb, mb, gb} (default: "kb")
-o,--output NAME ⁽¹⁾Output name (default: "dummy_%v_%v.png")
-d,--output-dir PATH Output dir (default: "./")
-f,--gen-func GEN_FUNC The function to generate. Available -> {stains |
fastest_mono | alt_stains | matrix | cold_grid |
high_crosswalk} (default: "stains")
--dump-func-list List available functions and exit
-h,--help Show this help text
For example:
> hsDummyImage.exe -s 204 -u mb -f matrix
[1] The output name can contain either exactly two placeholders (%v) or none. The placeholders will be replaced by the size and units of measurement, respectively.
stains |
✔ | 🟢 | |
hypnotoad |
✔ | 🟢 | |
fastest_mono |
✔ | 🟢 | |
alt_stains |
✔ | 🟡 | |
matrix |
✔ | 🟢 | |
cold_grid |
✔ | 🟠 | |
high_crosswalk |
✖ | 🟢 |