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The Game Folder

Cromha edited this page Apr 24, 2024 · 1 revision


If you're developing mods or the game itself, you'll often have to access to the game directory. This directory contains all extra data to make the game work, like data validation schemas, the vanilla game data, all the mods, documentation, you preferences etc... In this wiki page, you'll learn to access to the folder, and then what's inside of it and how can you use these directories and files.

You can easily find your game folder by opening a python environment, and running the following two statements, which will output your game folder path:

lolo@fedora $ python
Python 3.12.2 (main, Feb  7 2024, 00:00:00) [GCC 13.2.1 20231205 (Red Hat 13.2.1-6)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import appdirs
>>> appdirs.user_config_dir(appname='Bane-Of-Wargs')


Once you have the path, you can then access it through a terminal or a file explorer. Here's how the directory content should look like if you've already ran the game:

|-- game/
|   |-- data/
|   |-- docs/
|   |-- imgs/
|   |-- schemas/
|   |-- scripts/
|   |-- VERSION.bow
|-- logs/
|   |--YEAR-MONTH-DAY.log
|-- plugins/
|   |-- 'A plugin'/
|   |-- 'Another plugin'/
|-- saves/
|   |-- '~0 save_An Adventurer.yaml'
|   |-- '~1 save_An Adventurer.yaml'
|   |-- 'save_An Adventurer.yaml'
|-- temp/
|   |--imgs/
|   |--scripts/
|-- preferences.yaml


The game/ directory contains the game vanilla data, its credits.txt file and a small file VERSION.bow, which just contains the version number of that game data, used to check if your game data is outdated and if it should be updated.


This directory contains every log file generated by the game. The naming convention the log files is <year>-<month>-<day>. Note that you can access these files directly in-game, in the Log Files main menu option.


This is the directory that contains every plugin the game loads. Note that the game generates .game.BOW files inside of each plugin folder, which simply contains a boolean value, that determines if the mod should be loaded or not. You can manually change that but you can also change that in the in-game UI preferences editor.


This directory contains every save file you've created. By default, each save file has its 'active' save file: save_<name>.yaml, which is the one loaded by the game, and a 'backup' save file: ~0 save_<name>.yaml. You can also create custom backups at certain point of the game in the Manage Saves main menu option, that you will be able to load into the 'active' save file later if you want to.


This directory contains the active game external assets, such as .txt 'images', and custom python scripts for either utility items or other stuff. These directories get re-generated at every game run, as thy contain the mix of the vanilla game assets, and every loaded plugins ones.

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