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定制适合 Clash 内核、mihomo 内核和 sing-box 内核的 ruleset&geodata 文件


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定制适合 mihomo 内核sing-box 内核的 ruleset&geodata 文件

一、 geodata 文件说明

1. 文件类型

mihomo geodata 文件,包括:geosite.dat、geoip.dat、Country.mmdb 和 geoip.metadb、ASN.mmdb(仅限 mihomo 内核)等
sing-box geodata 文件,包括:geosite.db 和 geoip.db 等

2. 数据源

① 每天凌晨 3 点(北京时间 UTC+8)自动构建,根据 Loyalsoldier/v2ray-rules-datLoyalsoldier/geoip 进行深度定制,可点击查看包含的域名列表IP 段列表
geosite,fakeip-filter,📌 fakeip 过滤 源采用 ShellCrash/public/fake_ip_filter.list(搭载 mihomo 内核或 sing-box PuerNya 版内核时,可使该规则集内的域名走 realip)
geosite,fakeip-filter-lite,📌 fakeip 过滤 源采用 ShellCrash/public/fake_ip_filter.list,仅保留主要域名(推荐搭配 AdGuard Home 且 DNS 配置 mix 混合模式时使用)
geosite,private,🔒 私有网络 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/privateblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Lan(仅域名)组合,并添加主流 Dashboard 在线面板域名(
geosite,ads,🛑 广告域名 源采用 privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD
geosite,trackerslist,📋 Trackerslist 源采用 XIU2/TrackersListCollection(仅域名)和 ngosang/trackerslist 组合
geosite,microsoft-cn,🪟 微软服务 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/microsoft@cn
geosite,apple-cn,🍎 苹果服务 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/apple@cn
geosite,google-cn,🇬 谷歌服务 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/google@cn
geosite,games-cn,🎮 游戏服务 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/category-games@cnblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/SteamCNblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/GameDownloadCN 组合
geosite,netflix,🎥 奈飞视频 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Netflix
geosite,disney,📽️ 迪士尼+ 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Disney
geosite,max,🎞️ Max 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/HBO
geosite,primevideo,🎬 Prime Video 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/PrimeVideo
geosite,appletv,🍎 Apple TV+ 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/AppleTV
geosite,youtube,📹 油管视频 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/YouTube
geosite,tiktok,🎵 TikTok 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/TikTok
geosite,bilibili,📺 哔哩哔哩 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/BiliBili
geosite,ai,🤖 人工智能 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/OpenAIblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Copilotblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Geminiblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Claude 组合
geosite,networktest,📈 网络测试 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/speedtestblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Speedtest 和 IPv6 测试域名关键字(keyword,包括:ipv6-testtest-ipv6ipv6testtestipv6)组合
geosite,tld-proxy,🧱 代理顶级域名 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/tld-!cn
geosite,proxy,🧱 代理域名 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/geolocation-!cn(删除了带有 @cn@ads 的域名,并新增了 v2fly/domain-list-community/cn 中带有 @!cn 的域名)、gfwlistblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Global 组合
geosite,tld-cn,🛡️ 直连顶级域名 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/tld-cn
geosite,cn,🛡️ 直连域名 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/cn(删除了带有 @!cn@ads 的域名,并新增了 v2fly/domain-list-community/geolocation-!cn 中带有 @cn 的域名)和 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/ChinaMax(仅域名)组合
geoip,private,🔒 私有网络 源采用 DustinWin/geoip/config.json 中的 input.type:privateTrackersList(仅 IP)组合
geoip,cn,🀄️ 直连 IP 源采用 GeoLite2-Country-CSV/CN17mon/china_ip_listgaoyifan/china-operator-ipAPNIC/CNblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/ChinaASN 组合
geoip,netflix,🎥 奈飞视频 源采用 GeoLite2-ASN-CSV/Netflixblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Netflix(Netflix_IP.txt)组合
geoip,telegram,📲 电报消息 源采用 GeoLite2-ASN-CSV/TelegramTelegram IP 段组合

3. 文件下载


规则集文件名称 包含规则 GitHub 源 jsDelivr 源 GitHub Proxy 源
geosite-all.dat fakeip-filterfakeip-filter-liteprivateadstrackerslistmicrosoft-cnapple-cngoogle-cngames-cnnetflixdisneymaxprimevideoappletvyoutubetiktokbilibiliainetworktesttld-proxyproxytld-cncn 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geosite-all.db fakeip-filterfakeip-filter-liteprivateadstrackerslistmicrosoft-cnapple-cngoogle-cngames-cnnetflixdisneymaxprimevideoappletvyoutubetiktokbilibiliainetworktesttld-proxyproxytld-cncn 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geosite-all-lite.dat fakeip-filterfakeip-filter-liteprivateadstrackerslistmicrosoft-cnapple-cngoogle-cngames-cnnetflixdisneymaxprimevideoappletvyoutubetiktokbilibiliainetworktesttld-proxyproxytld-cncn 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geosite-all-lite.db fakeip-filterfakeip-filter-liteprivateadstrackerslistmicrosoft-cnapple-cngoogle-cngames-cnnetflixdisneymaxprimevideoappletvyoutubetiktokbilibiliainetworktesttld-proxyproxytld-cncn 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geosite.dat fakeip-filterfakeip-filter-liteprivateadstrackerslistmicrosoft-cnapple-cngoogle-cngames-cnainetworktesttld-proxyproxytld-cncn 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geosite.db fakeip-filterfakeip-filter-liteprivateadstrackerslistmicrosoft-cnapple-cngoogle-cngames-cnainetworktesttld-proxyproxytld-cncn 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geosite-lite.dat fakeip-filterfakeip-filter-liteprivateadstrackerslistmicrosoft-cnapple-cngoogle-cngames-cnainetworktesttld-proxyproxytld-cncn 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geosite-lite.db fakeip-filterfakeip-filter-liteprivateadstrackerslistmicrosoft-cnapple-cngoogle-cngames-cnainetworktesttld-proxyproxytld-cncn 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geoip-all.dat 点此查看 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
Country-all.mmdb 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geoip-all.metadb 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geoip-all.db 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
Country-ASN-all.mmdb cloudflarecloudfrontfacebookfastlygooglenetflixtelegramtwitter,具体可点此查看 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geoip.dat privatecnnetflixtelegram 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
Country.mmdb 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geoip.metadb 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geoip.db 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geoip-lite.dat privatecnnetflixtelegram 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
Country-lite.mmdb 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geoip-lite.metadb 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
geoip-lite.db 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载
Country-ASN.mmdb privatecnnetflixtelegram,具体可点此查看 点此下载 点此下载 点此下载

4. 文件导入

① 导入到 Linux 端(以 ShellCrash 导入 geosite.dat、geoip.dat、Country.mmdb、geoip.metadb、ASN.mmdb 和 geosite.db、geoip.db 为例)

连接 SSH 后执行如下命令:

# 适用于 mihomo 内核
curl -o $CRASHDIR/GeoSite.dat -L
curl -o $CRASHDIR/GeoIP.dat -L
curl -o $CRASHDIR/Country.mmdb -L
curl -o $CRASHDIR/geoip.metadb -L
curl -o $CRASHDIR/ASN.mmdb -L
# 适用于 sing-box 内核
curl -o $CRASHDIR/geosite.db -L
curl -o $CRASHDIR/geoip.db -L
$CRASHDIR/ restart
② 导入到 Windows 端(以 Clash Verge 导入 geosite.dat、geoip.dat、Country.mmdb、geoip.metadb 和 ASN.mmdb 为例)

以管理员身份运行 CMD 命令提示符,执行如下命令:

taskkill /f /t /im "Clash Verge*"
taskkill /f /t /im clash-verge*
taskkill /f /t /im verge-mihomo*
curl -o %APPDATA%\io.github.clash-verge-rev.clash-verge-rev\geosite.dat -L
curl -o %APPDATA%\io.github.clash-verge-rev.clash-verge-rev\geoip.dat -L
curl -o %APPDATA%\io.github.clash-verge-rev.clash-verge-rev\Country.mmdb -L
curl -o %APPDATA%\io.github.clash-verge-rev.clash-verge-rev\geoip.metadb -L
curl -o %APPDATA%\io.github.clash-verge-rev.clash-verge-rev\ASN.mmdb -L

二、 ruleset 规则集文件说明

1. 文件类型

mihomo rule-set 规则集文件,格式为 .yamlformat: yaml)、.listformat: text) 和 .mrsformat: mrs
sing-box rule_set 规则集文件,格式有 .srs"format": "binary")和 .json"format": "source"

2. 数据源

① 每天凌晨 3 点(北京时间 UTC+8)自动构建,根据 Loyalsoldier/clash-rulesLoyalsoldier/geoip 进行深度定制,可点击查看包含的域名列表IP 段列表
rule-set,fakeip-filter,📌 fakeip 过滤 源采用 ShellCrash/public/fake_ip_filter.list(搭载 mihomo 内核或 sing-box PuerNya 版内核时,可使该规则集内的域名走 realip)
rule-set,fakeip-filter-lite,📌 fakeip 过滤 源采用 ShellCrash/public/fake_ip_filter.list,仅保留主要域名(推荐搭配 AdGuard Home 且 DNS 配置 mix 混合模式时使用)
rule-set,private,🔒 私有网络 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/privateblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Lan(仅域名)组合,并添加主流 Dashboard 在线面板域名(
rule-set,ads,🛑 广告域名 源采用 privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD
rule-set,trackerslist,📋 Trackerslist 源采用 XIU2/TrackersListCollection(仅域名)和 ngosang/trackerslist 组合
rule-set,applications,⬇️ 直连软件 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/DownloadLoyalsoldier/clash-rules/applications.txt 组合
rule-set,microsoft-cn,🪟 微软服务 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/microsoft@cn
rule-set,apple-cn,🍎 苹果服务 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/apple@cn
rule-set,google-cn,🇬 谷歌服务 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/google@cn
rule-set,games-cn,🎮 游戏服务 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/category-games@cnblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/SteamCNblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/GameDownloadCN 组合
rule-set,netflix,🎥 奈飞视频 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Netflix(仅域名)
rule-set,disney,📽️ 迪士尼+ 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Disney
rule-set,max,🎞️ Max 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/HBO
rule-set,primevideo,🎬 Prime Video 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/PrimeVideo
rule-set,appletv,🍎 Apple TV+ 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/AppleTV
rule-set,youtube,📹 油管视频 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/YouTube
rule-set,tiktok,🎵 TikTok 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/TikTok
rule-set,bilibili,📺 哔哩哔哩 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/BiliBili
rule-set,ai,🤖 人工智能 源采用 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/OpenAIblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Copilotblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Geminiblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Claude 组合
rule-set,networktest,📈 网络测试 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/speedtestblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Speedtest 和 IPv6 测试域名关键字(keyword,包括:ipv6-testtest-ipv6ipv6testtestipv6)组合
rule-set,tld-proxy,🧱 代理顶级域名 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/tld-!cn
rule-set,proxy,🧱 代理域名 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/geolocation-!cn(删除了带有 @cn@ads 的域名,并新增了 v2fly/domain-list-community/cn 中带有 @!cn 的域名)、gfwlistblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Global 组合
rule-set,tld-cn,🛡️ 直连顶级域名 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/tld-cn
rule-set,cn,🛡️ 直连域名 源采用 v2fly/domain-list-community/cn(删除了带有 @!cn@ads 的域名,并新增了 v2fly/domain-list-community/geolocation-!cn 中带有 @cn 的域名)和 blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/ChinaMax(仅域名)组合
rule-set,privateip,🔒 私有网络 源采用 DustinWin/geoip/config.json 中的 input.type:privateTrackersList(仅 IP)组合
rule-set,cnip,🀄️ 直连 IP 源采用 GeoLite2-Country-CSV/CN17mon/china_ip_listgaoyifan/china-operator-ipAPNIC/CNblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/ChinaASN 组合
rule-set,netflixip,🎥 奈飞视频 源采用 GeoLite2-ASN-CSV/Netflixblackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Netflix(Netflix_IP.txt)组合
rule-set,telegramip,📲 电报消息 源采用 GeoLite2-ASN-CSV/TelegramTelegram IP 段组合

3. 文件使用

① mihomo 内核


    1. 若不需要图标(也可使用数据源中的 emoji),请自行删除策略组 proxy-groups 中的 icon 配置项
    1. 以下只是节选,请酌情套用
  - {name: 节点选择, type: select, proxies: [香港节点, 台湾节点, 日本节点, 韩国节点, 新加坡节点, 美国节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: 网络测试, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 香港节点, 台湾节点, 日本节点, 韩国节点, 新加坡节点, 美国节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: 人工智能, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 香港节点, 日本节点, 新加坡节点, 美国节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: Trackerslist, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 节点选择], icon: ""}
  - {name: 游戏服务, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 节点选择], icon: "}
  - {name: 微软服务, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 节点选择], icon: ""}
  - {name: 谷歌服务, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 节点选择], icon: ""}
  - {name: 苹果服务, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 节点选择], icon: ""}
  - {name: 奈飞视频, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 香港节点, 日本节点, 新加坡节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: 迪士尼+, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 香港节点, 日本节点, 新加坡节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: Max, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 香港节点, 日本节点, 新加坡节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: Prime Video, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 香港节点, 日本节点, 新加坡节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: Apple TV+, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 香港节点, 日本节点, 新加坡节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: 油管视频, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 香港节点, 日本节点, 新加坡节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: TikTok, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 香港节点, 日本节点, 新加坡节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: 哔哩哔哩, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 节点选择, 香港节点, 日本节点, 新加坡节点], icon: ""}
  - {name: 直连顶级域名, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 节点选择], icon: ""}
  - {name: 直连域名, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 节点选择], icon: ""}
  - {name: 直连 IP, type: select, proxies: [全球直连, 节点选择], icon: ""}
  - {name: 代理顶级域名, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 全球直连], icon: ""}
  - {name: 代理域名, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 全球直连], icon: ""}
  - {name: 电报消息, type: select, proxies: [节点选择], icon: ""}
  - {name: 直连软件, type: select, proxies: [全球直连], icon: ""}
  - {name: 私有网络, type: select, proxies: [全球直连], icon: ""}
  - {name: 漏网之鱼, type: select, proxies: [节点选择, 全球直连], icon: ""}
  - {name: 广告域名, type: select, proxies: [全球拦截, 全球绕过], icon: ""}
  - {name: 全球拦截, type: select, proxies: [REJECT], icon: ""}
  - {name: 全球绕过, type: select, proxies: [PASS], icon: ""}
  - {name: 全球直连, type: select, proxies: [DIRECT], icon: ""}

  - {name: 香港节点, type: url-test, tolerance: 50, use: [🛫 机场订阅], filter: "(?i)(🇭🇰|港|hk|hongkong|hong kong)", icon: ""}
  - {name: 台湾节点, type: url-test, tolerance: 50, use: [🛫 机场订阅], filter: "(?i)(🇹🇼|台|tw|taiwan|tai wan)", icon: ""}
  - {name: 日本节点, type: url-test, tolerance: 50, use: [🛫 机场订阅], filter: "(?i)(🇯🇵|日|jp|japan)", icon: ""}
  - {name: 新加坡节点, type: url-test, tolerance: 50, use: [🛫 机场订阅], filter: "(?i)(🇸🇬|新|sg|singapore)", icon: ""}
  - {name: 美国节点, type: url-test, tolerance: 50, use: [🛫 机场订阅], filter: "(?i)(🇺🇸|美|us|unitedstates|united states)", icon: ""}

  # 任选一
    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/fakeip-filter.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400
  # 任选一
    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/fakeip-filter.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/private.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/ads.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/trackerslist.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: classical
    format: text
    path: ./rules/applications.list
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/microsoft-cn.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/apple-cn.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/google-cn.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/games-cn.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/netflix.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/disney.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/max.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/primevideo.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/appletv.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/youtube.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/tiktok.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/bilibili.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/ai.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: classical
    format: text
    path: ./rules/networktest.list
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/tld-proxy.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/proxy.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/tld-cn.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/cn.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: ipcidr
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/privateip.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: ipcidr
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/cnip.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: ipcidr
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/netflixip.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

    type: http
    behavior: ipcidr
    format: mrs
    path: ./rules/telegramip.mrs
    url: ""
    interval: 86400

  - RULE-SET,private,私有网络
  - RULE-SET,ads,广告域名
  - RULE-SET,trackerslist,Trackerslist
  - RULE-SET,applications,直连软件
  - RULE-SET,microsoft-cn,微软服务
  - RULE-SET,apple-cn,苹果服务
  - RULE-SET,google-cn,谷歌服务
  - RULE-SET,games-cn,游戏服务
  - RULE-SET,netflix,奈飞视频
  - RULE-SET,disney,迪士尼+
  - RULE-SET,max,Max
  - RULE-SET,primevideo,Prime Video
  - RULE-SET,appletv,Apple TV+
  - RULE-SET,youtube,油管视频
  - RULE-SET,tiktok,TikTok
  - RULE-SET,bilibili,哔哩哔哩
  - RULE-SET,ai,人工智能
  - RULE-SET,networktest,网络测试
  - RULE-SET,tld-proxy,代理顶级域名
  - RULE-SET,proxy,代理域名
  - RULE-SET,tld-cn,直连顶级域名
  - RULE-SET,cn,直连域名
  - RULE-SET,privateip,私有网络,no-resolve
  - RULE-SET,cnip,直连 IP
  - RULE-SET,netflixip,奈飞视频,no-resolve
  - RULE-SET,telegramip,电报消息,no-resolve
② sing-box 内核


    1. sing-box-ruleset 规则集文件的源文件格式始终保持最新版;sing-box-ruleset-compatible 规则集文件的源文件格式始终为当前最新版的上一个版本。详见:sing-box 源文件格式
    1. 须手动新建“ruleset”文件夹,否则规则集文件不会保存在本地。如导入 ShellCrash,可先连接 SSH 后执行命令 mkdir -p $CRASHDIR/ruleset/
    1. 以下只是节选,请酌情套用
  "outbounds": [
    { "tag": "🚀 节点选择", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🇭🇰 香港节点", "🇹🇼 台湾节点", "🇯🇵 日本节点", "🇰🇷 韩国节点", "🇸🇬 新加坡节点", "🇺🇸 美国节点" ] },
    { "tag": "📈 网络测试", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🇭🇰 香港节点", "🇹🇼 台湾节点", "🇯🇵 日本节点", "🇰🇷 韩国节点", "🇸🇬 新加坡节点", "🇺🇸 美国节点" ] },
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    { "tag": "📋 Trackerslist", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🚀 节点选择" ] },
    { "tag": "🎮 游戏服务", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🚀 节点选择" ] },
    { "tag": "🪟 微软服务", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🚀 节点选择" ] },
    { "tag": "🇬 谷歌服务", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🚀 节点选择" ] },
    { "tag": "🍎 苹果服务", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🚀 节点选择" ] },
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    { "tag": "📽️ 迪士尼+", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🚀 节点选择", "🇭🇰 香港节点", "🇯🇵 日本节点", "🇸🇬 新加坡节点" ] },
    { "tag": "🎞️ Max", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🚀 节点选择", "🇭🇰 香港节点", "🇯🇵 日本节点", "🇸🇬 新加坡节点" ] },
    { "tag": "🎬 Prime Video", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🚀 节点选择", "🇭🇰 香港节点", "🇯🇵 日本节点", "🇸🇬 新加坡节点" ] },
    { "tag": "🍎 Apple TV+", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🚀 节点选择", "🇭🇰 香港节点", "🇯🇵 日本节点", "🇸🇬 新加坡节点" ] },
    { "tag": "📹 油管视频", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🚀 节点选择", "🇭🇰 香港节点", "🇯🇵 日本节点", "🇸🇬 新加坡节点" ] },
    { "tag": "🎵 TikTok", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🚀 节点选择", "🇭🇰 香港节点", "🇯🇵 日本节点", "🇸🇬 新加坡节点" ] },
    { "tag": "📺 哔哩哔哩", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🚀 节点选择", "🇭🇰 香港节点", "🇯🇵 日本节点", "🇸🇬 新加坡节点" ] },
    { "tag": "🛡️ 直连顶级域名", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🚀 节点选择" ] },
    { "tag": "🛡️ 直连域名", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🚀 节点选择" ] },
    { "tag": "🀄️ 直连 IP", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🎯 全球直连", "🚀 节点选择" ] },
    { "tag": "🧱 代理顶级域名", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🚀 节点选择", "🎯 全球直连" ] },
    { "tag": "🧱 代理域名", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🚀 节点选择", "🎯 全球直连" ] },
    { "tag": "📲 电报消息", "type": "selector", "outbounds": ["🚀 节点选择"] },
    { "tag": "⬇️ 直连软件", "type": "selector", "outbounds": ["🎯 全球直连"] },
    { "tag": "🔒 私有网络", "type": "selector", "outbounds": ["🎯 全球直连"] },
    { "tag": "🐟 漏网之鱼", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "🚀 节点选择", "🎯 全球直连" ] },
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    { "tag": "🔴 全球拦截", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "REJECT" ] },
    { "tag": "🎯 全球直连", "type": "selector", "outbounds": [ "DIRECT"] },
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      { "rule_set": [ "trackerslist" ], "outbound": "📋 Trackerslist" },
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      { "rule_set": [ "apple-cn" ], "outbound": "🍎 苹果服务" },
      { "rule_set": [ "google-cn" ], "outbound": "🇬 谷歌服务" },
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      { "rule_set": [ "disney" ], "outbound": "📽️ 迪士尼+" },
      { "rule_set": [ "max" ], "outbound": "🎞️ Max" },
      { "rule_set": [ "primevideo" ], "outbound": "🎬 Prime Video" },
      { "rule_set": [ "appletv" ], "outbound": "🍎 Apple TV+" },
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      { "rule_set": [ "bilibili" ], "outbound": "📺 哔哩哔哩" },
      { "rule_set": [ "ai" ], "outbound": "🤖 人工智能" },
      { "rule_set": [ "networktest" ], "outbound": "📈 网络测试" },
      { "rule_set": [ "tld-proxy" ], "outbound": "🧱 代理顶级域名" },
      { "rule_set": [ "proxy" ], "outbound": "🧱 代理域名" },
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        "format": "binary",
        "path": "./ruleset/fakeip-filter.srs",
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        "path": "./ruleset/max.srs",
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        "format": "binary",
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        "format": "binary",
        "path": "./ruleset/cn.srs",
        "url": ""
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        "format": "binary",
        "path": "./ruleset/privateip.srs",
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        "format": "binary",
        "path": "./ruleset/cnip.srs",
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        "url": ""
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        "path": "./ruleset/telegramip.srs",
        "url": ""