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Hi👋, I'm Duván

Passionate software engineer from Colombia 🇨🇴

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I am a Software Legend!

  • 🔭 I’m currently working at Softtek as a Software engineer and in my free time I love to learn about data science and building projects on my own
  • ⚡ I love to read, playing basketball, self-developing
  • 📫 How to reach me

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Skills 🔥

C C++ C# Java Javascript Python Typescript HTML5 React NextJs JQuery CSS3 Bootstrap NodeJS Express Oracle MongoDB MySQL Heroku Firebase PostgreSQL Lavarel Django Figma XD

📊 My Github Stats

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Subham Raoniar's Github Stats Subham Raoniar's Top Languages
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.

Subham Raoniar's Activity Graph

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  1. SQLServerWorkSpace SQLServerWorkSpace Public

    SQL Server Developer From Zero to Legend!

    TSQL 4

  2. cms-with-Codeigniter cms-with-Codeigniter Public

    a cms project with codeigniter and grocery CRUD.

    HTML 3 1

  3. MoneyExchange MoneyExchange Public

    It's an Admin Panel for Money Exchange + New Relic

    JavaScript 2

  4. Django-with-Admin-LTE Django-with-Admin-LTE Public

    Django -LTE Aministration Page. [[]]

    JavaScript 1

  5. Sifunciona Sifunciona Public

    Introduction to Data science, Machine Learning and Deep learning with Python 3x.

    Python 1

  6. Coronavirus-Data_Science_Fundamentals Coronavirus-Data_Science_Fundamentals Public

    While we stay at Home due COVID-19, I'm going to learn about Data Science with Covid-19 Colombian Data set.

    Jupyter Notebook 1