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Berks Publisher Plugin

Travis Bintray license

SBT Plugin that adds tasks to package and publish Berkshelf dependencies.

Requires the berks and aws tools to be on the path (although a future version may use the AWS SDK instead of the AWS CLI tools).

Installation and Enabling

In project/plugins.sbt, add the following:

addSbtPlugin("com.dwolla.sbt" % "berks-publisher" % "***VERSION***")

resolvers ++= Seq(
  Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("dwolla", "sbt-plugins"),
  Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("dwolla", "maven")

The plugin will be automatically enabled.

berks:package Task

Runs berks package {output-path}, placing the packaged tarball in the build’s output directory.

  • packageName is set to cookbooks.tar.gz by default, but can be overridden:

     packageName in Berks := "anything-you-want.tgz"
  • The build output directory is set to target/ by default, but can be overridden:

     target := file("build")

berks:publish Task

Publishes the output of berks:package to S3. By default, the tarball will be placed in s3://{s3Bucket}/{normalized-project-name}/{project-version}/{packageName}.

  • projectName is set to the normalized name of the project by default, but can be overridden if case matters:

     projectName in Berks := "MyProject"
  • s3Bucket must be configured:

     s3Bucket in Berks := "my-bucket"
  • s3Key is set to s"${projectName.value}/${version.value}/${packageName.value}" by default, but can be overridden:

     s3Key in Berks := "key-name"