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Item List

Dylan Bulmer edited this page Jul 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

Elder Scrolls Mod item list:

Metals and Materials

Weapons and Tools


Steel Ingot

        Smelting: 1 ingot outputs 1 steel ingot
        Shapeless Crafting: 1 block of steel = 9 steel ingots
        Shaped Crafting:

        N: Steel nugget
             N, N, N
             N, N, N
             N, N, N

Malachite Ingot

        Shapeless Crafting: 1 block of malachite = 9 malachite ingots
        Shaped Crafting:

        N: Malachite nugget
             N, N, N
             N, N, N
             N, N, N

Moonstone Ingot

        Shapeless Crafting: 1 block of moonstone = 9 moonstone ingots
        Shaped Crafting:

        N: Moonstone nugget
             N, N, N
             N, N, N
             N, N, N


Steel Nugget

        Shapeless Crafting: 1 steel ingot = 9 steel nuggets

Malachite Nugget

        Shapeless Crafting: 1 malachite ingot = 9 malachite nuggets

Moonstone Nugget

        Shapeless Crafting: 1 moonstone ingot = 9 moonstone nuggets


Elven Dagger

        Shaped Crafting:
        Works anywhere on the crafting table as long as a moonstone ingot is above a stick

        M: Moonstone ingot
        S: Stick

Elven Sword

        Shaped Crafting:
        Works anywhere on the crafting table as long this vertical order in maintained:

        M: Moonstone ingot
        I: Iron ingot
        S: Stick

Glass Dagger

        Shaped Crafting:
        Works anywhere on the crafting table as long as a malachite ingot is above a stick

        M: Malachite ingot
        S: Stick

Glass Sword

        Shaped Crafting:
        Works anywhere on the crafting table as long this vertical order in maintained:

        M: Malachite ingot
        I: Moonstone ingot
        S: Stick