A fast and easy way to recognize captcha image, the cnn-model only has 5 layers, with an accuracy of 90%.
- End to end, all you need is one neural network
- Low delay, 1ms for one image
- Lite model, only 5 layers
- Better accuracy, 90%
- Easy to use, just two line
- tensorflow2
- numpy
- Pillow
- install all the package below
- then
import Decaptcha # for single image: # img_path = './captcha.png' y = Decaptcha.dec_batch(img_path) print("the value of image {} is {}".format(img_path,y)) # for batch images: # img_src = './sample/' Y = DeCaptcha.dec_batch(img_src) for y in Y: print(y)
- Here, I use captcha, a pypi package to generate specific captcha images.
- To get your own dataset, just use the function
gen_imgs(src="./sample/", count=40000, width=100, height=60, image_suffix="png")
- Custom loss function
- To get the model better and more quickly fit the captcha data, I have customed the CE loss function,as follow:
def captcha_loss(y,pred): y_pred = tf.reshape(pred, [-1, max_chars, len(char_set)]) y_true = tf.reshape(y, [-1, max_chars, len(char_set)]) loss = tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(y_true,y_pred,label_smoothing=0.1) #(BATCH_SIZE, max_chars,) loss = tf.reduce_sum(loss,axis=1) #(BATCH_SIZE,) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) #() return loss
- To get the model better and more quickly fit the captcha data, I have customed the CE loss function,as follow:
- Label smoothing
- set 0.075~0.25. a trick which advances the valid_acc 10 more points.
- First version, 2020.6.27