A shell for Hyprland, designed with simplicity and aesthetics in mind, by mimicing the look of MacOS as closely as possible. All powered by Fabric
See Features below
Please note that envShell is still in an experimental stage and is known to only work on the author's machine. It is not guaranteed to work on other systems. Proceed with caution and be prepared to encounter issues.
cd envshell
python main.py
- Create a
file in ~/.config/envshell and copy the envshell-config.toml into it.
add this to your hyprland.conf
layerrule = blur, fabric
layerrule = ignorezero, fabric
windowrulev2 = size 250 355, title:(About Menu)
windowrulev2 = float, title:(About Menu)
windowrulev2 = noborder, title:(About Menu)
windowrulev2 = pin, title:(About Menu)
Special thanks to all of these projects for making this possible
This Project is Licensed under the MIT License. See more at LICENSE.