Set of tools which allows you to fetch RAW read and assembly files from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA).
Install from Pypi
$ pip install fetch-tool
Install from the git repo
$ pip install
The tool has a number of options, with sensible defaults for the most common use cases.
Setup the configuration file, the template fetchdata-config-template.json for the configuration file.
- ena_api_user
- ena_api_password
$ fetch-read-tool -h
usage: fetch-read-tool [-h] [-p PROJECTS [PROJECTS ...] | -l PROJECT_LIST] [-d DIR] [-v] [--version] [-f] [--ignore-errors] [--private] [-i] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--fix-desc-file] [-ru RUNS [RUNS ...]
| --run-list RUN_LIST]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Whitespace separated list of project accession(s)
-l PROJECT_LIST, --project-list PROJECT_LIST
File containing line-separated project list
-d DIR, --dir DIR Base directory for downloads
-v, --verbose Verbose
--version Version
-f, --force Ignore download errors and force re-download all files
--ignore-errors Ignore download errors and continue
--private Use when fetching private data
-i, --interactive interactive mode - allows you to skip failed downloads.
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Alternative config file
--fix-desc-file Fixed runs in project description file
-ru RUNS [RUNS ...], --runs RUNS [RUNS ...]
Run accession(s), whitespace separated. Use to download only certain project runs
--run-list RUN_LIST File containing line-separated run accessions
Download amplicon study:
$ fetch-read-tool -p SRP062869 -v -d /home/<user>/temp/
fetch-assembly-tool -h
usage: fetch-assembly-tool [-h] [-p PROJECTS [PROJECTS ...] | -l PROJECT_LIST] [-d DIR] [-v] [--version] [-f] [--ignore-errors] [--private] [-i] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--fix-desc-file]
[-as ASSEMBLIES [ASSEMBLIES ...]] [--assembly-type {primary metagenome,binned metagenome,metatranscriptome}] [--assembly-list ASSEMBLY_LIST]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Whitespace separated list of project accession(s)
-l PROJECT_LIST, --project-list PROJECT_LIST
File containing line-separated project list
-d DIR, --dir DIR Base directory for downloads
-v, --verbose Verbose
--version Version
-f, --force Ignore download errors and force re-download all files
--ignore-errors Ignore download errors and continue
--private Use when fetching private data
-i, --interactive interactive mode - allows you to skip failed downloads.
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Alternative config file
--fix-desc-file Fixed runs in project description file
Assembly ERZ accession(s), whitespace separated. Use to download only certain project assemblies
--assembly-type {primary metagenome,binned metagenome,metatranscriptome}
Assembly type
--assembly-list ASSEMBLY_LIST
File containing line-separated assembly accessions
Download assembly study:
$ fetch-assembly-tool -p ERP111288 -v -d /home/<user>/temp/
We recommend you to use miniconda|conda to manage the environment.
Clone the repo and install the requirements.
$ git clone
$ cd fetch_tool
$ # activate anv (conda activate xxx)
$ pip install .[dev]
Setup the git pre-commit hook:
pre-commit install
pre-commit will run a set of pre-configured tools before allowing you to commit files. You can find the currently configure hooks and configurations in .pre-commit-config.yaml
This repo uses pytest.