Electrochemical Society Battery Database Model (ecsbatdbm) is a relational data model, reference implementation of the model and associated API and data management toolchain for battery related experimental data. The prototype implementation was first developed at ECS Data Science Sprint at the ECS 236th Meeting in Atlanta.
The frontend aims to provide a web interface to the database. It consists of a minimal flask server and a React interface. Initial prototypes will focus on adding metadata options (electrolytes/electrodes/separators) and uploading data. Additional features for viewing data, searching by metadata, etc. will follow. Instructions on how to install and run the frontend can be found in frontend/README.md.
The metadata repo includes: cell_metadata.xslx - A downloadable, easy-to-use method to allow users to upload batches of experimental metadata at one time. The column headings reflect the current metadata parameters considered in the database schema. xlsx_template.ipynb - The Jupyter notebook that builds the .xslx file.