CoreMS Portal is a full-stack solution for mass spectrometry data processing of small molecule analysis. Currently, there are two workflows: molecular formulae assignment of ultra-high-resolution analysis of complex mixtures and GC-MS-based metabolomics analysis. LC-MS-based metabolomics workflows are presently under development.
- PostgreSQL (Web and Data storage)
- Redis (Task queues storage)
- Flask and Celery ( Web framework and Task queues Client)
- Celery (Task queues runner)
- ANDI NetCDF for GC-MS (.cdf)
- Mass List (centroid mode) (.txt)
- Mass List (Profile mode) (.txt)
- Thermo raw format (.raw)
- Bruker D format (.d)
- Text Files (.csv, tab separated .txt, etc)
- JSON for workflow metadata
To start download or git clone this repository :D
There are two main way to start a local deployment, building from source, our using the images from docker hub.
To start from the pre built images, open the terminal and cd into local_app directory
then: ( this command will build and pull the images, create the containers, volumes and network)
docker-compose up
After the first deployment, and with the services running, we need to start migration and create all the database tables. Open a new terminal, cd into the local_app directory and then type:
make init-db
or if you don't have make installed, do this three commands:
docker-compose exec web flask db init docker-compose exec web flask db migrate -m "init commit" docker-compose exec web flask db upgrade
Open you browser and go to http://localhost
To take all the services down and remove all the volumes:
docker-compose down -v