In order to add a beer to the list removed the comment markers surrounding the beer in the index.html file.
In order the add The Grievance to the beer remove the <-- and --> marker from around the HTML text.
For example, The following code will not display The Grievance.
<!-- The Grievance -->
<div id="modalBtnTg" class="beer">
<div class= logo-and-text>
<img class="beer-logo" src="images/The-Grievance.svg" alt="The Grievance">
<div class="beer-text">
<div class="beer-name">The Grievance </div>
<div class="beer-tagline">Chocolate and Cinnamon Milk Stout</div>
<div class="abv-and-tier">
<div class="beer-abv">
<div class="abv-text">ABV</div>
<div class="abv-content">5.5%</div>
<div class="beer-tier">
<div class="beer-tier-text">TIER</div>
<div class="beer-tier-content">1</div>
The following code will display The Grievance
<!-- The Grievance -->
<div id="modalBtnTg" class="beer">
<div class= logo-and-text>
<img class="beer-logo" src="images/The-Grievance.svg" alt="The Grievance">
<div class="beer-text">
<div class="beer-name">The Grievance </div>
<div class="beer-tagline">Chocolate and Cinnamon Milk Stout</div>
<div class="abv-and-tier">
<div class="beer-abv">
<div class="abv-text">ABV</div>
<div class="abv-content">5.5%</div>
<div class="beer-tier">
<div class="beer-tier-text">TIER</div>
<div class="beer-tier-content">1</div>