**For the latest app with 2024 zatca guidlines , please use this link. https://github.com/ERPGulf/Saudi-E-Invoicing-Phase-2-2024 **
An app for e-invoicing in Saudi Arabia
This app enables phase-2 implemetation of Saudi VAT on ERPNext. More details about Saudi E-Inovicing phase-2 is available on Zatca website.
The purpose of this App is to enable ERPNext user to follow the steps prescribed in the Zatca website.
1- Create XML Document with UBL 2.1 Standard
2- Generate the XML file with Invoice information (Supplier, Customer, Items, calculations)
3- Generate Digest Value for XML hash
4- Generate Digest Value for XADES Signed properties.
5- Generate Signature Value
6- Adding Certificate in UBLextension
7- Generate Xades information
8- Use Zatca API to retrieve a- Recieve Compliance CSID from Zatca through API b- Recieve Production CSID from Zatca through API c- API for reporting and Clearance.
Some features are still under development. We will keep updating this document. For any suggestions and support please contact support@ERPGulf.com we wll also update the development on on ERPGulf website.