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Sasha Ames edited this page Mar 14, 2019 · 5 revisions
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ESGF Node Port description

Port Direction Type Application Description
80 in tcp Tomcat Web server access
443 in tcp Tomcat SSL - Secure Web Server Access.
5432 in tcp Postgres Postgres Access. (not external: by default bound ONLY TO LOCAL INTERFACE)
2811 in tcp GridFTP user-configured GridFTP Server control channel
(50000-51000) in/out tcp GridFTP user-configured GridFTP Server data channel (or as defined in the global variable GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE)
7512 out tcp MyProxy MyProxy client access to the certificate repository
8984 - tcp esgf-search (Tomcat) local connection to the Solr master instance (not external!)
8983 in/out tcp esgf-search (Tomcat) local connection to Solr slave instance. (not external!)
80 out tcp esg-publisher Local connection to THREDDS server (e.g., to check catalogs) and other nodes (node-manager)
443 out tcp esg-publisher Local secure connection to THREDDS server (e.g., to restart the application) and to the idp


  • The installer further requires outbound ports 20, 21, 80 and 443 to be open so it can download the required libraries. Note that 443 traffic that is subject to root CA replacement by firewalls will cause parts of the installer to fail.