This repository contains the code for the ET Toolbox 7-day hindcast and 7-day forecast data production system.
Gregory H. Halverson (they/them)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 329G
Copyright 2022, by the California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology.
This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws. By accepting this software, the user agrees to comply with all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export authority as may be required before exporting such information to foreign countries or providing access to foreign persons.
This system was designed to work in a Linux-like environment and macOS using a conda environment.
sudo yum update
sudo yum install git docker
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
mamba init bash
The ECOSTRESS Collection 2 PGEs are designed to run in a Python 3 conda
environment using Miniconda To use this environment, download and install Miniconda. Make sure that your shell has been initialized for conda
You should see the base environment name (base)
when running a shell with conda active.
Use make install
to produce the ETtoolbox
(base) $ make install
This should produce a conda environment called ETtoolbox
in your Miniconda installation.
To use the pipeline, you must activate the ETtoolbox
(base) $ conda activate ETtoolbox
You should see the environment name (ETtoolbox)
in parentheses prepended to the command line prompt.
This system requires credentials from the EROS Registration System and Spacetrack. To check or store credentials for the servers accessed by this system, use this command:
(ETtoolbox) $ ET-Toolbox-Credentials
This system organizes raster processing by Sentinel tiles. To run the 7-day hindcast/forecast system on a single Sentinel tile, run the ET-Toolbox-Tile
command with the namne of the tile and optional directory parameters:
(ETtoolbox) $ ET-Toolbox-Tile 13SDA --working working_directory --static static_directory --SRTM SRTM_directory --LANCE LANCE_directory --GEOS5FP GEOS5FP_directory
To run all of the tiles covering the Rio Grande river in New Mexico, run the ET-Toolbox-Rio-Grande
(ETtoolbox) $ ET-Toolbox-Rio-Grande --working working_directory --static static_directory --SRTM SRTM_directory --LANCE LANCE_directory --GEOS5FP GEOS5FP_directory
When you are done using the pipeline, you can deactivate the ETtoolbox
(STARS) $ conda deactivate ETtoolbox
You should see the environment name on the command line prompt change to (base)
To update your installation of the ETtoolbox
environment, rebuild with this command:
(base) $ make reinstall-hard
(base) $ make remove