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Friday Sessions

Esther Makaay edited this page Feb 16, 2024 · 54 revisions

EWC has "Friday Sessions": every Friday there will be a timeslot reserved for tech-talks. These will be open to all participants and we will invite relations from the EC and NiScy as well.

Invitations to these sessions are being sent to the consortium-mailinglist. Contact Daria Albrecht if you want to be added to that mailinglist. Please contact Esther Makaay if you haven't received an invitation.

Some Fridays will be more important than others. In order of descending importance:

  • Every 3 months there will be a Consortium Focus Session, which is relevant to all participants who will be implementing services. In the Focus Session we set the scope for specifications and testing for the next period.
    • The Focus sessions will be scheduled from 10:00-12:00 CEST
  • Every first Friday of the other months we will aim to host a specific consortium-wide-relevant topic, such as a demonstration of services, updates on the roadmap, or specific issues we need to work on.
    • The first-Friday-of-the-month sessions will be scheduled from 10:00-12:00 CEST
  • All other Fridays will have “tech-talk” placeholders and can be filled with any topic you like.
    • The techtalks will be scheduled from 15:00-17:00 CEST

Information from the Friday- and Focus-Sessions can be found on NextCloud. The tech-talks are informal and will not have any recordings. Any relevant topics from the tech-talks (slides, links, short description) will be on NextCloud as well.

Invitations have been sent out for meetings until 26 April. Because of holidays and the General Assembly, NO Friday meetings are planned on: 29 March, 5 April and 12 April.

Consortium Focus Session

Every 3 months on the first Friday of that month a session will be dedicated to EWC Consortium Focus:

  • We will take a look at the scenarios which we will start building and testing.
  • We will explain the standards we’re going to focus on (and what parts of these standards to focus on).
  • We will provide an overview of the roadmap for testing/deployment for the upcoming 3 months. The goal of this session is to create clarity and some stability to the ever-changing field of specifications and requirements that we have to deal with.

Current technology focus:
More information on the roadmap:
Information on testing:

The Consortium Focus Sessions will be scheduled for 2023 and 2024 on the following dates from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST:

These sessions will be recorded. Recordings and slides will be provided through NextCloud.

Focus Session 1 September 2023

Slides and recording are on NextCloud.


  • Introduction
  • Starting with testing
    • Practical guidelines (Esther)
  • Technical scope for the next 3 months
    • MVP interface design / basic architecture (Leif)
    • Explanation of the relevant (parts of) standards (Peter)
    • Mapping the specs to the functional flows (Marina)
  • Wrap-up
    • And Q&A

Focus Session 1 December 2023

Slides and recording are on NextCloud.


  • Focus session - introduction
  • Looking back: what happened since 1 September
  • Standards and specifications: what’s going on in the outside world
  • Technical scope 1 December 2023 – 1 March 2024
  • Deployment profiles
  • Going ahead: testing, piloting and roadmap

Focus Session 1 March 2024

To be determined.
Slides and recording will be shared through NextCloud.

Focus Session 7 June 2024

To be determined.
Slides and recording will be shared through NextCloud.

Monthly Friday Session

Every first-Friday-of-the-month when there's no Focus session, there’s a consortium-wide workshop, allowing for other relevant topics (not necessarily pertaining to the central focus and roadmap). These will be put on the agenda and shared. Some examples: Demonstration of services, updates on the roadmap, new insights from standardisation bodies or reference wallet, specific issues we need to work on.

Anyone can propose a topic for this in this document on NextCloud.

This will be scheduled on the following dates from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST:

Monthly Friday Session 6 October 2023

Slides and recording are shared through NextCloud.


  • What is a wallet in the context of organisational wallets
  • IDunion SCE – an introduction
  • Shared infrastructure demonstration (including integration activities with Archipels, iGrant, Findynet and/or others)
  • How can we integrate organisational wallets into EWC testing

Monthly Friday Session 3 November 2023

Slides and recording are shared through NextCloud.


  • End-user pilot preparation update (Stef/Gen)
  • ODI attestations - ongoing work (Michelle)
  • Working groups to facilitate technical discussions
  • Paper on introduction to OID4VC for EUDI Wallets (Lal)

Monthly Friday Session 12 January 2024

Slides and recording are shared through NextCloud


Because of unexpected illness of the presenters of UAegean, we had to skip the topic on the ITB. This will be postponed to a later date.

Monthly Friday Session 2 February 2024

Slides and recording are shared through NextCloud


Monthly Friday Session 26 April 2024

Slides and recording will be shared through NextCloud


All sessions on Fridays not being the first-of-the-month are a placeholder for an open space for anyone to discuss anything that’s currently on their mind(s) in an informal setting (preferably related to the technical elements of EWC). This meeting won’t be held to an agenda and will happen according to the people who show up. It is the responsibility of the people in the meeting to manage the results within the consortium if they need follow-up. The tech-talks are informal and will not have any recordings. Any relevant topics from the tech-talks (slides, links, short description) will be collected on NextCloud. These sessions are scheduled from 15:00 to 17:00 CEST.

To guide the structure of these meetings, there’s a Slack-channel where you can ask questions or propose topics: #friday-sessions. Please use that channel only in relation to the actual Friday-sessions. Any open discussion on e.g. standards should be done in #expert-dialogue