- Stable RECODMOD admintool version 9 -> JUNE 20, 2020
- Stable RECODMOD stats web and ADMIN TOOL version 9 -> https://github.com/EXRecod/CODBoX
- PHP: 5.6 < 7.2 (After 7.2 version not working)
For Linux need install php extensions: php-fpm php-pear php-dev php-common php-fpm php-gd php-cli php-mbstring php-curl php-gd php-gettext php-intl php-mbstring php-sqlite3 php-mysql php-pear php-pspell php-recode php-xml php-zip
- In game .cfg
set g_logsync 2
set logfile 1
set sv_log_damage 1
set g_antilag 1
Русский: Установка; https://github.com/EXRecod/RCM-Admintool-V9/wiki/Install_rus
Как обновить: заменяем эти 3 папки с архива https://github.com/EXRecod/RCM-Admintool-V9/tree/master/ReCodMod на свои со всем содержимым в них.
English: How install; https://github.com/EXRecod/RCM-Admintool-V9/wiki/How-Install
How update: replace this 3 folders from archive https://github.com/EXRecod/RCM-Admintool-V9/tree/master/ReCodMod to yours with all files from this 3 folders.
Open __CoDaM_CodCommands.pk3 and in file callback.gsc
- find
self playerMsg( level.cocoColor + "Command not found: ^7" + chatcmd[ 0 ] + " " + combineChatCommand( chatcmd, " " ));
add after that line - this 2 lines
printconsole("say;0;" + self.getEntityNumber() + ";" + self.name + ";" + chatcmd[ 0 ] + " " + combineChatCommand( chatcmd, " " ) + "\n");
logPrint("say;0;" + self.getEntityNumber() + ";" + self.name + ";" + chatcmd[ 0 ] + " " + combineChatCommand( chatcmd, " " ) + "\n");
download -> https://bitbucket.org/msgaming/cod4x_b3hide/downloads
b3hide.so place in -> call of duty 4/plugins/
in main server configuration .cfg
loadplugin "b3hide"
b3Hide "1"
b3Prefix "!"
b3HideLvl "0"
RUS https://kwork.ru/website-repair/15260745/skripty-php-s-msql-na-vashem-sayte
ENG https://kwork.ru/website-revision/15264676/website-loading-speed-optimization
New version RECODMOD V9 not compatible with old RECODMOD versions
and not compatible with old WEB RECODMOD versions!!