- EagleScout is an app developed by Team114 to collect and analyse scouting data.
- It has built in offline-mode, pit scouting (with storage for images), and picklist creation and management.
- With a variety of data analysis tools, EagleScout can create team rankings to your specifications.
EagleScout is available on iOS devices through the App Store and Android devices through the Play Store
- To get started, register an account and follow the instructions in the app to set up your team.
- From there, you can read our documentation on how to use the app to invite team members, scout matches, and more.
- We welcome any changes you wish to see!
- EagleScout is written in React Native, and we are in the process of migrating to TypeScript.
- To develop locally, follow these instructions.
- Eddie Liu, Scouting Lead (edward.liu@team114.org)
- Alan, App Development Lead (alan@team114.org)
- OpenAI -- we use the ChatGPT API endpoint to summarize data.
- The Blue Alliance -- we use the TBA APIv3 in order to populate competition schedules, get lists of teams participating at events, and for some other analysis tools.
- Vir Shah, Scouting Lead 2023-2024 (vir.shah@team114.org)
- Gabor Szita, Head of Backend Systems and Privacy 2023-2024 (gabor.szita@team114.org)