Releases: EasyCorp/EasyAdminBundle
New features
[902348b] Allow to render actions as forms with POST method (@fracsi)
Bug fixes
[4c1c63b] Always return to index action when using SAVE_AND_RETURN button (@fracsi)
[4d1ae6b] Fix redirection after deleting an entity (@eminjk)
[8add1b4] Fix issue with inherit Doctrine properties (@jorisdugue)
[68cdc0d] Upgrade to PHPStan 2.x and fix some issues (@javiereguiluz)
[80caf71] Fix Chinese translation (@ywisax)
[be09320][ae9e0da][3a84de0] Misc. doc fixes (@Shadow-Devil, @LaurentMarquet, @befresh-mweimerskirch)
Bug fixes
[f72bc2e] Remove prefix from URL to match in AdminRouterSubscriber::getSymfonyControllerFqcn (@pacproduct)
[da8f4e2] Use the Twig guard tag to handle optional functions/filters (@javiereguiluz)
[e9f8ee6] Fix remaining calls to deprecated getReferrer()
method (@AirBair)
[e128cf7] [Doc] Fix typo in route attribute (@elliotbruneel)
Bug fixes
[37fc36f] Fix warning when matching menu item URLs without path (@javiereguiluz)
[a16b068] Disable switch if user has no permission to edit (@IndraGunawan)
Bug fixes
[2c6493e] Wrap form tab HTML attributes in double quotes (@dimanche-matin)
[0bf1177] Fix how we get the value of a query parameter in the layout template (@javiereguiluz)
[b74f56c] Deprecate the custom CacheWarmer that won't be used in the next version (@javiereguiluz)
[0b60a4c] Change AdminRouterSubscriber::getSymfonyControllerFqcn so it generates relative paths (@pacproduct)
[448072e] [Doc] Clarify that AdminDashboard only works for pretty URLs (@javiereguiluz)
Bug fixes
[200beff] Fix custom action not working when URL has a search query (@allan-simon)
[ea7494d] Fix menu item highlight when using pretty urls (@a-r-m-i-n)
[2537a4c] Update Ukrainian translation (@Atantares)
[5e48501] Add default locale to all pretty routes (@danut007ro)
[fce5882] Misc doc fixes (@Bisb)
This new version changes the recommended way to define the main route of dashboards:
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Attribute\Route;
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
#[Route('/admin', name: 'admin')]
public function index(): Response
// ...
use EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Attribute\AdminDashboard;
#[AdminDashboard(routePath: '/admin', routeName: 'admin')]
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
public function index(): Response
// ...
This will be the only supported way of defining the main dashboard route in Easyadmin 5.x. We do this because this change allows us to simplify a lot of features and improves the application performance slightly.
New features
[287f467] Improve the #[AdminDashboard]
attribute (@javiereguiluz)
Bug fixes
[64f33db] Fix an edge-case with pretty URLs and multiple dashboards (@javiereguiluz)
[32eaf4f][774d89f][d9320f8] Updated tests to remove all mocks related to final classes (@javiereguiluz)
[576f168] Misc doc fixes (@torchello)
Bug fixes
[9c784fe] Inject interfaces in menu item matcher instead of concrete implementations (@dragosprotung)
[fd6edb6] Fix ugly URLs with i18n backends (@dragosprotung)
[8e2c268] Improve the URL Field and add tests (@javiereguiluz)
[8901844] Keep URL absolute type for dashboards URLs (@dragosprotung)
New features
[1128fb4] Allow customize entity row attributes on index page (@zorn-v)
Bug fixes
[f847296] Use a better escaping mechanism for HTML attributes (@javiereguiluz)
[d36dbf2] Improve findRoute() method in admin route generator (@javiereguiluz)
[a95c204] Fix batch actions with ugly URLs (@javiereguiluz)
Bug fixes
[3178099] Add some missing deprecations related to forms (@javiereguiluz)
[cfeb05b] Fix set current route parameters with pretty urls enabled (@zorn-v)
[3aea6c9] Fix Dashboard menu item highlighting (@javiereguiluz)