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A simple framework that makes easy the communication with your Backend


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A simple framework for Swift that makes easy the communication with your Backend server.

Installing via CocoaPods

To integrate the EasyRequest into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'EasyRequest', :git => ''

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


class UseEasyRequest: EasyRequestProtocol {

	var easyRequest: EasyRequest

	// Example init for you class
	init () {
		var easyRequest = EasyRequest(baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000")
		easyRequest.addCommonHeader(key: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", value: "Content-Type")

	// Any request function called when you want to do server request
	func anyRequest () {

		// Your parameters for send to server
		var parameters:[[String:String]] = []

			to: "api/itens",
			withParameters: parameters,
			usingMethod: .get,
			andSpecificHeaders: nil, 	// Can be [[String:String]]
			sending: nil
			// Can be any attribute of Data type

	func delegateEasyRequestSuccess() {
		// Do anything when request is success ...

	func delegateEasyRequestError(error: Error) {
		// Do anything when request is fail ...


  • Init method with baseUrl that will be used in all requests.

    If you want to request http://localhost:3000/api/any-path you need to set baseUrl with http://localhost:3000 for after just pass api/any-path when you do the request.

var easyRequest = EasyRequest(baseUrl: String)

  • Add Common Header with the key and value

    Common headers that will be send in request when specific headers are not informated. This is for add new Commons Headers passing the key and the value, for send to request url.

easyRequest.addCommonHeader(key: String, value: String)

  • Remove Common Header that already added

    Needed to pass the name of the key that you want to remove.

easyRequest.removeCommonHeader(named: String)

  • Setting many Common Headers in the same time.

    Needed to pass an array of dictionary with keys and correspondent values.

easyRequest.setCommonHeaders(headers: [[String: String]])

  • Finally execute the request

    This method will send the request for your server. Parameters:

    • to that will be your api/any-path, exemplified in init method.
    • withParameters is an array of dictionary with string key and string value.
    • usingMethod is an enum to select your http request method type. (See Enum EasyRequestMethods)
    • andSpecificHeaders are your headers to use just in this request. If you passed this information, the Common Headers are ignored in this request. Otherwise, with this parameter is nil, the common headers are sended.
    • sending if you needed to send anything in body request, this is the parameter that you put the informations.
	to: String,
	withParameters: [[String: String]],
	usingMethod: EasyRequestMethods,
	andSpecificHeaders: [[String: String]],
	sendingBody: Data?

Protocol EasyRequestDelegate

  • Delegate Request Success Done

    This delegate will be call when you request execute with success. Contains the attributes:

    • body response body from your server.
    • headers headers are returned from you server.
    • status request status code.

Obs: Any status code can return. Success refers to requisition are done with success, making possible to you decide what do with any response status code.

func delegateEasyRequestSuccess(
	body: Data?,
	headers: [AnyHashable: Any],
	status: Int

  • Delegate Request Fail

    This delegate will be call when you request can`t be done. The attribute is generical Error contains informations about the error when the request return.

func delegateEasyRequestError(error: Error)

Enum EasyRequestMethods

Enum that contains default http request methods.



A simple framework that makes easy the communication with your Backend







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