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Array library

Go Report Card codecov

Candidate functions :

Func Name Prototype Description Comments
Contains func Contain[T comparable](array []T, value T) bool {} Test if the value is in the array N/A
Find func Find[T comparable](array []T, value T) int {} Returns the index of the value in the array
(return -1 if the value isn't in the array)
IsEqual func IsEqual[T comparable](FirstArray, SecondArray []T) bool {} Test two array and check if they are equals N/A
Max func Max[T cmp.Ordered](array []T) (any, error) {} Returns the maximum value in the array N/A
Min func Min[T cmp.Ordered](array []T) (any, error) {} Returns the minimum value in the array N/A
Remove func Remove[T comparable](array []T, index int) []T {} Removes the value of the array at the index N/A
Slice func Slice[T comparable](array []T, start, end int) ([]T, error) {} Slices the array from start to end N/A
Sort func Sort[T cmp.Ordered](array []T, order int) {} Sorts the array in ascending or descending order N/A

Constants :

Name Type Value
ASC int 0
DESC int 1