Shiny application to visualize eDrivers platform data.
Local R environment
cd app
Rscript -e "shiny::runApp(port = 5000, host = '')"
Build and deploy the application within a container
docker build -t edrivers:latest . && docker run -p 5000:5000 -it --rm edrivers:latest
Deployment tested on Docker version 25.0.0
- Install docker on your computer:
- Install gcloud SDK client:
# Authentication with Google Cloud
gcloud auth login
# setting the project - Lets say PROJECT_ID = someproject-123
gcloud config set project pof-stac-insileco
# Creatng AR
gcloud artifacts repositories create docker-repo --repository-format=docker \
--location=northamerica-northeast1 --description="shiny-docker-prod"
#listing AR
gcloud artifacts repositories list
Send gcloud credentials to docker
gcloud auth configure-docker
Build and tag docker image for release
docker build .
Publish docker image to google cloud artifacts repository
docker push