Posts Build Status to Slack
This is fork of, with ability to customize message with freemarker templates, including any build parameters into the message.
For example, if the builds have any of parameters newVersion
, toVersion
, testMode
, emailToAddress
or services
, for the message body defined as
<#if newVersion?has_content || toVersion?has_content>: ${newVersion}${toVersion}</#if>
<#if testMode?has_content && testMode="true"> `TEST MODE`</#if>
<#if emailToAddress?has_content> to ${emailToAddress} about</#if>
<#if services?has_content>: ${services}</#if>
We will see the following message in Slack:
Also there is ability to remove header and make compact one line message format (if "Message title" is not specified, and other build options are not selected).
Head over to the releases section and get the zip labelled
from there (do not download the one on this page). Copy the zip file into your team city plugins directory
You will need to restart the TeamCity service before you can configure the plugin.
Once you have installed the plugin and restarted head on over to the Admin page and configure your Slack settings.
- your default channel is the channel with the # in front of it e.g. #general
- your team name is the team e.g. mycoolteam NOT
- The user token is available when you got to while logged in to your Slack instance. Under "authentication" you should see a token displayed like below. Alternatively you can use the full URL from the
Incoming Webhooks
integration in the API token field. The webhooks integration approach is sometimes more preferable as the token is not tied to a user account.
From the Slack tab on the Project or Build Configuration page, add a new Slack Notification and you're away!
- Remember to put the # in front of the channel name if applicable.
In order to receive mentions and direct messages from the notifier you must go to your profile page in TeamCity and tell it your slack username (no need to include the @). Once you have done this you can be mentioned on failed builds. You can also subscribe to notifications on your profile page.