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Maze Solver (BFS)

This project shows how to solve a maze using the Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm. The maze is a matrix, and the goal is to find a path from the start to the end point, avoiding obstacles.

Running the Program


Ensure that you have Python 3.x installed on your system. You can check if Python is installed by running:

python --version

1. Download or Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your local machine using Git:

git clone
cd RaceupAssessment

2. Run the Program

In the terminal, navigate to the project folder and execute the following command:



Why BFS?

BFS is an ideal algorithm for solving maze problems, especially when looking for the shortest path. Here's why:

  • Shortest path guarantee: BFS explores all possible paths from the start, one step at a time, ensuring that the first time we reach the end, we've found the shortest path.
  • Systematic exploration: It checks all neighboring cells before moving further into the maze, making it thorough and reliable.
  • Termination: BFS will either find the shortest path or confirm that no solution exists.

How BFS Works:

BFS uses a queue to manage the points to explore next. The process follows these steps:

  1. Start from the initial point: Mark the start cell as visited.
  2. Explore neighbors: Check neighboring cells (up, down, left, right), adding valid ones to the queue.
  3. Track the path: Keep track of the direction taken to reach each new cell.
  4. Continue until solved: Repeat until the end point is reached, or the queue is empty (no path exists).
image description

Why Use a Queue?

A queue is essential for BFS because it follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. This ensures that the algorithm explores the maze evenly, processing the earliest discovered positions first and finding the shortest path.

Each time we explore a cell, we add its neighbors to the back of the queue. This guarantees that we expand outward from the start point, layer by layer.


Initially, to track visited cells, I used a separate set: visited = set(). This set stored the coordinates of every visited cell. While this method worked, it introduced memory overhead because I needed to store each visited cell separately.

Improved Approach

To optimize memory usage, I modified the algorithm to mark visited cells directly in the maze matrix by replacing their values with '#' (representing an obstacle). This eliminated the need for the separate visited set. Instead of storing visited cells in a separate set (O(N) space complexity, where N is the number of cells), I reuse the maze itself to track visited cells, reducing memory usage to O(1).

This optimization significantly improves performance, especially for larger mazes, while maintaining the correctness and efficiency of the BFS algorithm.

With this optimized BFS approach, the maze-solving algorithm is both memory-efficient and simple, ensuring the shortest path is found effectively.

Time and Memory Complexity

The BFS algorithm looks for a path from "S" (start) to "E" (end) in the maze.

  • Time Complexity: O(n * m)
    The algorithm checks each cell in the maze once, where n is the number of rows and m is the number of columns.

  • Space Complexity: O(n * m)
    The queue used in BFS can hold up to n * m cells in the worst case.

Core Code Steps

1. Parsing Example Matrices from .txt

The following function reads a file and extracts matrices that represent the maze. Each matrix is separated by an empty line in the .txt file.

# Function to extract matrices from file
def extract_matrices_from_file(file_path):
    matrices = [] # List of all the matrices collected
    current_matrix = []

    with open(file_path, 'r') as file: # Open file
        for line in file:
            line = line.strip() # For every line remove white spaces

            if not line: # Case when we reached the bottom of one matrix
                if current_matrix:
                    matrices.append(current_matrix) # So we can append in the list of matrices
                    current_matrix = []  # Reset the current matrix

        if current_matrix: # At the end of for if still have a remaning matrix, append it

    return matrices

2. HashMap with Directions Allowed in the Matrix

This dictionary defines the possible directions (up, down, left, right) and the corresponding changes in row and column indices.

# Hashmap with the directions allowed in the matrix
    "UP": (-1, 0),
    "DOWN": (1, 0),
    "LEFT": (0, -1),
    "RIGHT": (0, 1)

3. Functions to Find Start and End Points and Validate Moves

These functions help find the start (S) and end (E) coordinates in the matrix, and check whether a move to a new position is valid (i.e., not out of bounds or into an obstacle).

# Find the start 'S' and the end 'E' in the maze
def find_start_and_end(matrix):
    start = end = None
    for r, row in enumerate(matrix):
        for c, char in enumerate(row):
            if char == 'S':
                start = (r, c)
            elif char == 'E':
                end = (r, c)
    return start, end

# Check if the move is valid
def is_valid_move(matrix, r, c):
    rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
    return 0 <= r < rows and 0 <= c < cols and matrix[r][c] != '#'

4. BFS Algorithm to Solve the Maze

The BFS algorithm searches for the path from the start to the end point, using a queue to explore the maze level by level. It returns the sequence of directions to follow or a message if no solution exists.

# BFS to solve the maze
def solve_maze(matrix):
    start, end = find_start_and_end(matrix)

    if not start or not end:
        return "Invalid maze: Start or End point missing."

    queue = deque([(start, [])])
    matrix[start[0]][start[1]] = '#'  # Mark start as visited

    while queue:
        (current_r, current_c), path = queue.popleft()

        # If we reach the exit, return the path
        if (current_r, current_c) == end:
            return path

        # Explore all possible directions
        for direction, (dr, dc) in DIRECTIONS.items():
            new_r, new_c = current_r + dr, current_c + dc

            if is_valid_move(matrix, new_r, new_c):
                matrix[new_r][new_c] = '#'  # Mark new position as visited
                queue.append(((new_r, new_c), path + [direction]))

    return "No solution exists."


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