With Edicy Designer Toolkit you can build themes for Edicy at ease. Everything happens on your local computer, in your favorite code editor. Of course, you can still build and edit designs inside Edicy but we find that doing it on your own machine, it is much-much more easier.
- Download
Get Macintosh version or Windows version and launch the Edicy Designer program you'll find in the package.
- Usage instructions
Edicy Designer is a small program that launches a simple web server on your local machine. It is available from http://localhost:9494/ Don't worry about all the typing, it will launch the web browser immediately after the web server has been loaded.
You'll find few sample designs under "designs" directory in the package. To start with your own, just copy one of them or create a new directory.
Next, go to "sites" directory in the package and check out the contents of "default.yml" file. This is the file where all your test site data is coming from. You may also want change some bits to alter how your site will behave.
- Read documentation
Find everything you need to know about editing the themes and layout syntax from Edicy Developer page http://www.edicy.com/developer/template-api
Edicy was created in order to provide businesses and individuals a straightforward service that they could use to create professionally designed websites quickly without any technical knowledge. Current tools available are overly complex and they often require that you hire expensive designers and programmers to build and maintain websites.
See more info at http://www.edicy.com
Question: Why I can't see the editing tools that are visible in Edicy?
Answer: This just a simple toolkit and is meant to be used to test how themes look with content. We have no plans to include editing tools in this toolkit because it just does not make sense.
Question: Can i download the contents of my site in Edicy and use it to test the designs?
Answer: This is not possible at the moment, but we have plans to implement it. Stay tuned!
Question: Can i upload the theme i just made into Edicy?
Answer: This is also not possible at the moment due to limitations in Edicy. But we have plans to implement it too.
Question: I created a beautiful theme and want others to enjoy it too!
Answer: Fantastic! Just send us your theme folder. We put our name on it and take all the pride plus eternal glory of your work. Just kidding! Send your theme to support@edicy.com and we make it available in Edicy and your work will get acknowledged.
Got any comments or suggestions? Just send them through the feedback form on our support page (http://www.edicy.com/support)