Highly Customisable and top working Vehicle Towing Script for FiveM
This Script has many many Options for you to Change the behaivour of the Tow-Truck & does work in latest FiveM builds even after all the vehicle entity changes.
This Script can now be Bought here: CLICK HERE
Pretty obvious, attaching vehicles onto your Flatbed :slight_smile: Also:
- Blacklisting vehicles from being towed
- Job restriction (to a Job of your choice)
- Usage via Command/Event (Command can be disabled)
- Multiple Flatbeds with custom positioning for the towed vehicles
- Multi-Language-Support
- Download the latest Release of erp_towscript
- Copy the Folder into your resources/ folder
- Add
ensure erp_towscript
to your server.cfg - Add your Flatbed Vehicles to the "config.lua" file and change the Offset properly.
- Change your prefered Language in the "config.lua" file
- Change other stuff in the "config.lua" file to your preffered settings
- Have fun using the Script :)
- es_extended - 1.x
- de - German | Done by me
- en - English | Done by me
- nl - Dutch | Thanks to @Jaccosf
- tr - Turkish | Thanks to @Wizley#3099
- pt - Portuguese | Thanks to @coentro
If you want to help translate this Script, feel free to do a PR :)
Option | Description |
Locale | The Language of the messages send by the script |
JobRestriction | Whether or not only a certain ESX Job should be allowed to use the Tow-Function |
NeededJob | The Job needed to use the Tow-Function |
EnableCommand | Should the /tow Command be enabled? |
VehicleRange | How far away can a Car Stand behind the Flatbed to be recognized |
OnlyStoppedEngines | Should Vehicles with a running Engine be allowed to be Towed |
FlatbedDistance | The Distance a Vehicle should be teleported to when unloading it from the Flatbed |
Flatbeds | The list of your Flatbeds + Its offset to the Vehicles Center position when Attaching Vehicles to it. |
TowBlacklist | A List of vehicles not allowed to be Towed (eg. mule, monstertruck, etc.) |
If you dont want to use the /tow
or you simply want to add a button into your Job menue to Tow a Vehicle, you can Trigger the Script's own event for that like this:
Since i got many requests on "Does this Script generate lag / how is its CPU time on resmon"
i checked it and it was as i expected it: 0,00ms!
We now offer Custom Script creations at our Store: CLICK ME
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If you need any kind of Support, feel free to open an Issue.
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erp_towscript - Highly Customisable and top working Vehicle Towing Script for FiveM
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