Generates through playlists a txt file with the acknowledgements or resources used for an audio visual content. I made this little tool because I made a video on my youtube channel and all the resources I was using I was putting them in a playlist within the same Youtube. To extract each link from each video would take me too long and it was boring, so I created this tool (which in the end took me longer than it would have taken me to do it manually, but you have to think about the future).
At the moment the script works only from script, but in the future (when I need it again) I will add the option to do it via console (which is a bit faster for the case).
To start, install SourceLink:
pip install SourceLink
Start to using:
from SourceLink.Contributors import ContributorsGen
genList = ContributorsGen('SAVE_ROUTE')
genList.contributror_file(['PLAYLIST_LIST', ''])
This generates the following: (in txt file)
Thanks to: