This is the GitHub Repo of the Insane Discord Bot. Since this is a open source project every aspiring developer can contribute on this app.
All the files are organised into folders and sub folders and each code that the project has been tested and assured that there is no bugs
Insane Discord Bot requires Node.js v16+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
cd Insane-Discord-Bot
npm i
node src/bot.js
Every aspiring developer is welcome to contribute to this project, Make a pull request and we will check for any issues or something like that and we will deploy the changes
All the files can be tested by the command
npm run test
For any support you could ask on our Discord Server or you could DM me on Instagram or Twitter
If you have any problems with the app you could always raise a Issue here in this GitHub repo. Any developer could work on the issue which is opened and make a pull request