PowerModelsTopologicalActions.jl is a Julia/JuMP package to model AC and DC topological actions (Optimal Transmission Switching (OTS) and Busbar Splitting (BS)) for Steady-State Power Network Optimization. It is based on PowerModels.jl and PowerModelsACDC.jl. This consists of the first package being able to perform both OTS and BS on either part of AC/DC grids. While the OTS is a well-established problem in the literature, the BS is still not explored widely, especially for the DC part of AC/DC grids.
Core Problem Spefications
- AC Optimal Transmission Switching
- DC Optimal Transmission Switching
- AC/DC Optimal Transmission Switching
- AC Busbar Splitting
- DC Busbar Splitting
- AC/DC Busbar Splitting
Core network formulations
- AC (polar coordinates)
- SOC Relaxation (W-space)
- QC Relaxation (W+L-space)
- LPAC Approximation (Cold Start)
This code has been developed as part of WP1 of the ETF DIRECTIONS project from the FOD Economie of the Belgian Government. The primary developer is Giacomo Bastianel (@GiacomoBastianel) with support from the following contributors:
Marta Vanin (@MartaVanin)