Lightweight commands to make a vanilla paper server a bit more friendly, without the need for enormous and complicated plugins and APIs and permissions and all that shebang. The bare essentials, and what I usually find myself requiring when I want to start a server for friends.
- AFK messages (After 10 minutes of inactivity)
- Homes (multiple per user)
- Teleportation
- Chat nicknames and colours
- Disabling TNT
- Simple permissions
- Cows can explode when milked
- Sheep can be smited when sheared
- Players can be smited by admins
- Nitwit Villagers can sell expensive items
- Graves to save your items when you die
- Plots to protect your builds from griefing
- Discord & Slack integrations
- Ollama integration
It's super easy to configure, and your configuration can easily be exported and shared between your servers.
Either download this repo and compile it yourself - or download the latest release from the releases tab
You'll need:
- Java 21
- Maven
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Build with Maven
mvn clean package
- Move the SebUtils jar to your server's plugins directory
mv target/SebUtils.*.jar /path/to/server/plugins/
All permissions are granted by default, but can be customised if required. Using a plugin such as LuckPerms is recommended for this.
For a list of all the commands, please read the commands documentation