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- Visual Studio Code
- Live Server (VS Code Plugin
- Please open up ./Exercise 1/index.html
- Right click on the text area and choose 'Open with Live Server.'
Alternatively, press Alt+L and Alt+O in a row.
- Visual Studio Code
- Live Server (VS Code Plugin
- Please open up ./Exercise 2/index.html
- Right click on the text area and choose 'Open with Live Server'.
Alternatively, press Alt+L and Alt+O in a row.
##### Apologies - As a 3-hour beginner of Vue I failed to have a good understanding of Vue CLI projects, so I had to compromise by using Vue.js. This approach does not provide a efficient way of reading JSON files (or I couldn't find one). My apologies for giving it in to jQuery!
- Please open up ./ and read in preview window . Alternatively, view on GitHub.