PostMe is a project created with React for a workshop at <> 🏠 with GIS-Team
- create the template using CRA or fork it .
- switching between branches 🌲🌲.
- learn the basics of react ❄️❄️ :
- [❗️] 👉 What is react & reactDom.
- [❗️] 👉 What is react VirtualDom.
- [❗️] 👉 Create our First Component.
- [❗️] 👉 Understanding The Diffrence between State / Props.
- [❗️] 👉 Adding Our First Container.
- [❗️] 👉 Understanding the Diffrence Between Smart Component & Dumb Component or stateFul Component & stateLess Component.
- [❗️] 👉 Understanding LifeCycle Methods.
- [❗️] 👉 Understanding Events.
- [❗️] 👉 Adding other Libs :
- sass-node.
- styledComponents.
- MaterialUI.
- [❗️] 👉 Adding New Components.
- [❗️] 👉 Understanding Redux.
- [❗️] 👉 Start Adding it to our App.
- [❗️] 👉 Finish Off the App.
- [❗️] 👉 🔨🔨 build the app & push it to gh-pages.
- [❗️] 👉 adding Docker 🐳🐳.
- [❗️] 👉 Creating travis-ci Config.
- [❗️] 👉 Finish Off 😁🏆🏆
If you want to contribute to this project and make it better with new ideas, your pull request is very welcomed. If you find any issue just put it in the repository issue section, thank you.
Email ✉️ :
LinkedIn: Baraka Larbi
Twitter: @laridev