I am a passionate Developer, that has the desire to sharp his current skills and master the most important programming languages and frameworks. I found in technology a world that inspires me to give my 100%, to learn and believe that every action we take shapes the future.
- 🌱 I’m currently developing my backend skills while learning: Scala | Spark | Java
It's a SPA(Single Page Application) that retrieves the information from an external API (Spoonacular.com/food-api) and from a local database. The app displays the different recipes and their details.
- You can search by name and filter by diet type.
- You can order both by name or score.
- You can create a new recipe using a controlled form
I'ts a SPA that retrieves weather information from an external API (openweathermap.org)
- Responsive
- Dark Theme
- You can search by city
- You can access the city details.