Thankfully this has all just been made obsolete with the addition of GitHub Classroom! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...
Some people may still find it useful for other reasons.
A collection of scripts that I used to help me run and automatically grade (in part) a class of over 170 Freshmen.
The scripts have been stripped down to what I think other people will find useful.. So poke around and enjoy, there should be enough comments.. Feel free to ping me if you have questions.
Entirely open to pull requests if you want to build out any functionality/make this more of an API... There was a lot of work put in to this but not a lot of love since I was pushed to the edge time-wise to get this to work.. Which it did.
It is oriented towards the sort of class we ran, which had a dedicated GitHub organization set up.. There were different groups of students for each project, etc.. But it should be easy to modify these scripts for your use case.. Again, read the code and figure out what you can use... Lots of 'how to use the GitHub API through curl' as well.
Enjoy! Don't be tenative to reach out.