Variables ending in nonadm
refer to the non-admitted pathway and those ending in adm
refer to the admitted pathway. A variable displayed as variable_name_...
in this README signifies that both the variable_name_nonadm
and variable_name_adm
variables are being referred to.
- Name of the simulation for use in output directory and filenames.sim_trials
- Number of simulation runs.sim_periods
- Number of time periods each simulation will run for.sim_bins
- Number of bins to use for the waiting list i.e.sim_bins = 52
will monitor waits from >=0 weeks and <1 week through to >=52 weeks. NB: Bin zero will always be added so we do not need to add that into the number requiredsim_time_unit
- Unit of time for the model i.e. year, month, week, day.
NB: the same unit of time will be used across the entire model, i.e. if we use week then the demand is expressed in weekly demand, the capacity in weekly capacity, the waiting list bins as weekly bins.
- Type of clock stop profile input, eitheractual
(read direct from input file) orsynthetic
(created from beta-binomial distribution using parameters supplied in input file) -
- If thecsprof_type_...
this is an array of[sim_period, 2]
in which to store shape parameter 1 (also know as$\alpha$ ) and shape parameter 2 (also know as$\beta$ ) used to define the shape of the beta-binomial distribution of the clock stop profile for each simulation period. -
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_bins+1]
in which to store the clock stop profile in bins for each simulation period.
- Type of demand profile input, eitheractual
(read direct from input file) orsynthetic
(created from beta-binomial distribution using parameters supplied in input file) -
- If thedemprof_type_...
this is an array of[sim_period, 2]
in which to store shape parameter 1 (also know as$\alpha$ ) and shape parameter 2 (also know as$\beta$ ) used to define the shape of the beta-binomial distribution of the demand profile for each simulation period. -
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_bins+1]
in which to store the demand profile in bins for each simulation period.
- Type of ROTT profile input, eitheractual
(read direct from input file) orsynthetic
(created from beta-binomial distribution using parameters supplied in input file) -
- If therottprof_type_...
this is an array of[sim_period, 2]
in which to store shape parameter 1 (also know as$\alpha$ ) and shape parameter 2 (also know as$\beta$ ) used to define the shape of the beta-binomial distribution of the ROTT profile for each simulation period. -
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_bins+1]
in which to store the ROTT profile in bins for each simulation period.
- Type of conversion profile input, eitheractual
(read direct from input file) orsynthetic
(created from beta-binomial distribution using parameters supplied in input file) -
- If therottprof_type_...
this is an array of[sim_period, 2]
in which to store shape parameter 1 (also know as$\alpha$ ) and shape parameter 2 (also know as$\beta$ ) used to define the shape of the beta-binomial distribution of the conversion profile for each simulation period. -
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_bins+1]
in which to store the conversion profile in bins for each simulation period.
- Type of waiting list input, eitheractual
(read direct from input file) orsynthetic
(created from beta-binomial distribution using parameters supplied in input file). -
- If thewl_type_...
this is size of the waiting list to be created using the beta-binomial distribution. -
- If thewl_type_...
this is shape parameter 1 (also know as$\alpha$ ) used to define the shape of the beta-binomial distribution. -
- If thewl_type_...
this is shape parameter 2 (also know as$\beta$ ) used to define the shape of the beta-binomial distribution. -
- Array of dimension[sim_periods+1, sim_bins+1, sim_trials]
in which to store the waiting list in bins for each simulation period and run. NB: Dimensions aresim_periods+1
as the starting waiting list (period 0) will also be recorded, andsim_bins+1
as the waiting list bins run from zero through to sim_bins.
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_bins+1, sim_trails]
in which to store the clock stops by bin for each simulation trial and simulation period.
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, 2]
in which to store the mean and standard deviations parameters for each simulation period used to create thedem_vol_...
from a normal distribution.dem_vol_nonadm
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_trials]
used to store the demand volume for the non-admitted and admitted pathways for each period and simulation run.dem_nonadm
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_bins+1, sim_trials]
in which to store the demand delivery in bins for each simulation period and run.
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, 2]
in which to store the mean and standard deviations parameters for each simulation period used to create thecap_vol_...
from a normal distribution.cap_vol_nonadm
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_trials]
used to store the capacity volume for the non-admitted and admitted pathways for each period and simulation run.
- Array of dimension[sim_periods]
in which to store the probability parameter for each simulation period used to create thenonrtt_vol_...
from a binominal distributionnonrtt_vol_nonadm
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_trials]
used to store the non-RTT volume for the non-admitted and admitted pathways for each period and simulation run.
- Array of dimension[sim_periods]
in which to store the probability parameter for each simulation period used to create therott_vol_...
from a binominal distributionrott_vol_nonadm
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_trials]
used to store the ROTT volume for the non-admitted and admitted pathways for each period and simulation run.rott_nonadm
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_bins+1, sim_trials]
in which to store the ROTT activity in bins for each simulation period and run.
- Array of dimension[sim_periods]
in which to store the probability parameter for each simulation period used to create theconv_vol_...
from a binominal distributionconv_vol_nonadm
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_trials]
used to store the conversion volume for the non-admitted (to admitted) and admitted (to non-admitted) pathways for each period and simulation run.conv_nonadm
- Array of dimensions[sim_periods, sim_bins+1, sim_trials]
in which to store the conversion activity in bins for each simulation period and run.
flowchart TB
sim_init[Initialise Simulation:\nCreate empty arrays\nCreate all time independent data ] --> trial_init
trial_init[Initilise Trial:\nSet initial WL] --> period_increment
period_increment[Period increment:\nInitialise WL with previous period] --> process_period
process_period[Process period:\nRemove ROTT\nRemove CS\nRight shift WL\nAdd DEM\nAdd CONV] --> check{Check Trial End}
check -- Y --> trial_init
check -- N --> period_increment