* [KoG2P](https://github.com/scarletcho/KoG2P): Given an input of a series of Korean graphemes/letters (i.e. Hangul), KoG2P outputs the corresponding pronunciations.
* test: `python -m text.cleaners`
* examples
감정있는 한국어 목소리 생성
ㄱㅏㄻㅈㅓㆁㅇㅣᄔㄴㅡᄔ ㅎㅏᄔㄱㅜㄱㅓ ㅁㅗㄺㅆㅗㄹㅣ ㅅㅐㆁㅅㅓㆁ
['k0', 'aa', 'mf', 'c0', 'vv', 'ng', 'ii', 'nf', 'nn', 'xx', 'nf', 'zz', 'h0', 'aa', 'nf', 'k0', 'uu', 'k0', 'vv', 'zz', 'mm', 'oo', 'kf', 'ss', 'oo', 'rr', 'ii', 'zz', 's0', 'qq', 'ng', 's0', 'vv', 'ng', '~']
[6, 29, 21, 12, 31, 24, 26, 22, 16, 30, 22, 47, 11, 29, 22, 6, 32, 6, 31, 47, 15, 33, 20, 10, 33, 17, 26, 47, 9, 28, 24, 9, 31, 24, 62]
* sampling rate: 22050
* filter length: 1024
* hop length: 256
* win length: 1024
* n_mel: 80
* mel_fmin: 0
* mel_fmax: 8000
* `./filelists/emotiontts_net/*.txt`
* path | text
<yourDataDirPath>/emotiontts_new/01.Main/wav_22k/lmy00600.wav|아날로그와 디지털 장비에 있어 외관의 차이는 거의 없지만 신뢰성이 높으며 빠르고 복잡한 신호까지 포착할 수 있습니다.
<yourDataDirPath>/emotiontts_new/01.Main/wav_22k/lmy00503.wav|방영 시간은 매주 목요일밤 10시에서 10시 54분까지, 총 12회 방영 예정입니다.
Prepare Datasets
Clone this repo:
git clone <repo>
CD into this repo:
cd tacotron2-gst
Initialize submodule:
git submodule init; git submodule update
Install python requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Training (multi node ver.):
python3 -m multiproc -u train.py --output_directory=outdir --log_directory=logdir --hparams=distributed_run=True,training_files='filelists/emotiontts_new/emotts_new_train.txt',validation_files='filelists/emotiontts_new/emotts_new_valid.txt',batch_size=6 --network=tacotron2
tensorboard --logdir=outdir/logdir --host=
Training results (~ 288,000 steps)
- Clone WaveGlow as ./waveglow
- This is WaveGlow modules for the CPU inference version
- Automatically imported when inferencing by CPU
python3 inference_daemon.py
python3 inference.py --predef-style=happy_004 --text="이것은 감정을 담은 목소리입니다."
Generate voice that follows the style of the reference audio
Extract style vector from reference audio
outputs, outputs_postnet, _, align = model.inference_by_ref_audio(sequence, ref_audio_mel)
Generate voice
generate_mels_by_ref_audio(model, waveglow, hparams, sequence, ref_wav, denoiser, denoiser_strength=0.01, device=torch.device('cuda'), *, outpath='output.wav')
Generate by style tokens
Style token
outputs_by_tokens = model.inference_by_style_tokens(sequence) for i, (mel_outputs, mel_outputs_postnet, _, alignments) in enumerate(outputs_by_tokens): # do something.
Generate voice
generate_mels_by_sytle_tokens(model, waveglow, hparams, sequence, denoiser, denoiser_strength=0.01, device=torch.device('cpu'))
: condition on reference audio
- Tacotron2: https://github.com/NVIDIA/tacotron2
- GST: https://github.com/KinglittleQ/GST-Tacotron/blob/master/GST.py
- WaveGlow: https://github.com/NVIDIA/waveglow
- Export Images from tfevents: https://github.com/anderskm/exportTensorFlowLog
- Korean tactoron2-gst: https://github.com/jinhan/tacotron2-gst