Pre-releaseBeta Release
Added two new fully working functions, with one in testing (not fully developed but working)
- experimental branch (repo) still hiatus, will not be updated with new code
- try /chapter_summon
- try /embed_test (will be updated and changed in further minor patches
- try /power_of
Also added functions, learned javascript functions
- superscript()
- powerOf()
✅ Features - Currently Working
Custom Bot Status - Read Bot description when running
@ ping sender test - Send 'test', bot will respond via @ ping+ message
botCheck - Won't respond to self test, detects bot ID
embed testers - Try 'blob' other comparison, replace the numbers in <@[Other Bot ID HERE]> > <@[Sakura Bot ID HERE]>
responds to self - Will respond to self, try 'domain expansion'
execute - Bot will only respond to a certain userID + put two * in front of 'execute' & behind to run, then enter into chat - broke the code during development stages, be careful modifying this, is now resolved, check proposedFunctions for details
/add - has two required parameters, first-number has "options", will add two nums (was used as a test for slash commands
/hollow_purple - Sends discord text -> translates to discord emojis
/guh - Sends embed GIF
/domain_expansion - Accepts two parameters, both with two-three restricted options only (will change in updates), depending on options, will spit out the selected 'character' and chosen 'enchain', like "gojoSatoru" + "gif", sends a related from array GIF
/stand_proud - Accepts no parameters, intended to accept one which would allow it to choose randomly or specifically, currently randomly to spit out an embed
/nah_id_win - accepts a user parameter, sends msg: pings said user + message + preset gif embeded
/quadratic_formula - accepts three user parameters, will reply with answer of quadratic formula
/chapter_summon - accept one user parameter, will reply with fandom link of JJK chapter + JJK manga link for that chapter
/embed_test - experimenting with embeds/
/power_of - accepts two user parameter, will reply with a number raised to the power and a version in superscript
🎯 Future Goals
- High - Finish/Continue implementing potentialFunctions
- High - Update readMe
- Med - Write a quick start on code for other developers
- Med - Implement custom embeds
- Low - Music bot
- Low - Fix /stand_proud randomizer