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Project Fields

A GitHub actions to get and set GitHub project fields.

Table of Contents


Here's the complete list of inputs for this action, also available in the action.yml file.
For a minimal/typical usage, check out the examples section.

- uses: EndBug/project-fields@v2
    # ⬇️ Required inputs ⬇️

    # The type of field operation. Valid options are "get", "set", "clear"
    operation: get

    # A comma-separated list of fields to get or set
    # See the FAQ section for a list of supported field types
    fields: text,number,date,select

    # The GitHub token to use for authentication
    # This token should have write access to the project, and read access
    # to the issue/PR you're referencing (see the FAQ section for more info)
    github_token: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_PAT }}

    # The URL of the project

    # ⬇️ Optional inputs ⬇️

    # The URL of the issue/PR to reference
    # Default: the issue/PR that triggered the workflow run

    # A comma-separated list of values to update the fields with
    # The list must have the same length as the fields one, since they have to match up
    # Default: ''
    values: abc,123,2000-10-30,option


The action provides only one output:

  • values: a comma-separated list of the current values of the fields


Supported field types

The action supports the following field data types:

Field Type GraphQL Type Description
Text String The literal string in the field
Number Float The string representation of a number
Date Date The date in the YYYY-MM-DD format
Single Select String The name of the option (must be an exact match)
Iteration String The name of the iteration (must be an exact match)


Your token has to be a classic PAT: the new fine-grained tokens do not work with the GraphQL API yet.

The token should have the following scopes:

  • repo: needed read issues and PRs from private repositories. If you're using the action on a public repository, you can just use public_repo instead.
  • project: needed to update project fields. If you're only using the action to get the fields, you can just use read:project instead.


Get field values

on: [issues, pull_request]

# ...

- uses: EndBug/project-fields@v2
  id: fields
    operation: get
    fields: text,number,date,select
    github_token: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_PAT }}

- run: echo ${{ steps.fields.outputs.values }}

Update field values

on: [issues, pull_request]

# ...

- name: Set outputs A and B
  id: script
  run: # ...

- uses: EndBug/project-fields@v2
    operation: set
    fields: first,second
    github_token: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_PAT }}
    values: ${{ steps.script.outputs.a }},${{ steps.script.outputs.b }}

Clear fields

on: [issues, pull_request]

# ...

- uses: EndBug/project-fields@v2
    operation: clear
    fields: first,second
    github_token: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_PAT }}

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Federico Grandi
Federico Grandi


Nicolas Yarosz
Nicolas Yarosz

Kyle Swartz
Kyle Swartz

Add your contributions

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Additional credits

This project has started thanks to the input of the
GitHub Campus Experts Program 🚩


This project is distributed under the MIT License, check the license file for more info.