Write-ups for 24-hour Capture The Flag event by Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT (BHU) Varanasi
Title Points Flag
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Sanity Check 100 cryptX{Y0U_4R3_S4N3}
Cesar Pista @₹62 200 cryptX{This encrypted message shall clarify how NOT to encrypt a message today! Even if it was sufficient about 2000 years ago, or to be more precise in the Year 44 BC, nowadays it is not. Today each so-called Script Kiddie would be able to get sensitive information if they were encrypted this way.}
BroCODE 200 cryptX{m4H3nDr4s1n9hDh0N1}
Rookie SA challenge 200 cryptX{4J1NKY4_R5H4N3}
Vadapav obviously! 200 cryptX{rohitsharma}
Redundant Key 200 cryptX{U_4R3_X0R1NG}
G@WD 500 cryptX{73nDuLk4R}
MODesty is an art 500 cryptX{HARMANPREET}
Key Bored 500 cryptX{5mRI7I_m4NDH4n4}
Roadside Adventure 500 cryptX{m0H4mM4d_4Zh4rUdDin}
Loser Key 500 cryptX{viratkohli}
Time Kamplexity 500 cryptX{more_primes_more_good}
Terrorist Attack 1000 cryptX{SuN1l_9AVaskAR}
Chill Maaro 1000 cryptX{kR15Hn4m4Ch4R1 5R1kk4N7h}
Jack n Jill 1000 cryptX{GANGULY}