Thoughts on Everything. By a programmer.
Static site generated by Zola.
- Everything in Workflowy marked *****
- Something on near death experiences
- Project Euler (why it's fun and helps learn problem solving in code)
- Chronicles of Narnia book series review
- Map drawing instructions
- Full map
- Mountains
- Forests
- Circle destination zoom-ins (vigianettes?)
- Full history of, from initial thoughts to first effort, newgrounds and kongregate, article at jayisgames, first redesign with Chris, codeigniter redesign, to lost domain.
- Post on sections of RCP-PHP-MVC framework and how they work
- Put a js visualization experiment on homepage. Something to show off coding. Make a post on it.
- Set up vlog station
- Get this going on linode
- Install Zola and Rust
- Webhook script does a git pull and zola build
- Use rocket for webserver. See stuff.
- Verify URL in google search console (wait for DNS sync). Then follow instructions here to submit for indexing.
- Found a blog called rose codes jcink. I think it's name is different enough from "Rose.Codes" that it's OK. But I'm still thinking about it.
- Make a favicon (or just use laptop icon from top)