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Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Logging from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 #76

Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Logging from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1

Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Logging from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 #76

Workflow file for this run

"name": "CI (Build and Package)",
"on": {
"workflow_dispatch": null,
"push": {
"branches": ["main"]
"pull_request": {
"branches": ["main"]
"release": {
"types": ["created"]
"defaults": {
"run": {
"shell": "pwsh"
"jobs": {
"build": {
"strategy": {
"matrix": {
"configuration": ["Release"]
"runs-on": "windows-latest",
"env": {
"NUGET_PACKAGES": "${{ github.workspace }}/.nuget/packages"
"steps": [
"name": "Checkout",
"uses": "actions/checkout@v4.1.1"
"name": "Setup .NET SDK",
"uses": "actions/setup-dotnet@v3.2.0",
"with": {
"dotnet-version": "7.0.x"
"uses": "actions/cache@v3",
"with": {
"path": "${{ env.NUGET_PACKAGES }}",
"key": "${{ runner.os }}-nuget-${{ hashFiles('**/packages.lock.json') }}",
"restore-keys": "${{ runner.os }}-nuget-"
"name": "Restore NuGet packages",
"run": "dotnet restore --locked-mode"
"name": "Set version suffix to alpha-${{ github.run_number }}",
"if": "github.event_name != 'release' || github.event.action != 'created'",
"run": "'VERSION_SUFFIX=alpha-${{ github.run_number }}' >> $env:GITHUB_ENV"
"name": "Build",
"run": "dotnet build EngageSoftware.Dnn.Logging.sln --no-restore --configuration ${{ matrix.configuration }} -p:VersionSuffix=${{ env.VERSION_SUFFIX }}"
"name": "Package",
"run": "dotnet pack EngageSoftware.Dnn.Logging.sln --no-build --configuration ${{ matrix.configuration }} -p:VersionSuffix=${{ env.VERSION_SUFFIX }} --output dist/"
"name": "Upload build artifacts",
"uses": "actions/upload-artifact@v4.4.3",
"with": {
"path": "dist/"
"name": "Check for NuGet Push Key",
"id": "nuget-push-check",
"run": "Add-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT $(if ($env:NUGET_PUSH_KEY) { 'exists=true' } else { 'exists=false' })",
"env": {
"NUGET_PUSH_KEY": "${{ secrets.NUGET_PUSH_KEY }}"
"name": "Push packages to NuGet",
"run": "dotnet nuget push (Get-Item dist/*.nupkg).FullName --api-key ${{ secrets.NUGET_PUSH_KEY }}",
"if": "${{ steps.nuget-push-check.outputs.exists == 'true' }}"