Some examples used on ComputerZ Solutions...
You'll find theses stack :
- docker-compose for FreeIPA
- docker-compose for Portainer
- docker-compose for a website with Ghost and its SQL server MariaDB behind the marvelous reverse-proxy Traefik
- docker-compose for a website with WordPress with its Redis cache object powered by Nginx and PHP-FPM, a SQL server MariaDB behind Traefik
- docker-compose for a private cloud by Nextcloud with its Redis cache object powered by Nginx and PHP-FPM, a SQL server MariaDB behind Traefik
- docker-compose for a private analytics application by Matomo powered by Nginx and PHP-FPM, a SQL server MariaDB behind Traefik
- docker-compose for a PiHole DNS server/adblocker, with a configuration behind the reverse-proxy Traefik
All scripts are "as it", and can be updated without consent.
Julien HOMMET - (CC BY-SA 4.0)