An Artificial Neural Network model example for Cold-formed Steel (CFS) Fastener Connection Backbone Prediction
- Test_Central_Summary_All.csv: This file incorporates 93 physical test data (units: N; mm) of CFS Fastener Connections;
- This file records all the weight and bias data for each neuron of a well-trained artificial neural network model in PyTorch;
- CFS_Connection_Prediction.ipynb: This Jupyter Notebook shows an example to use the trained neural network model to conduct CFS Fastener Connection Backbone Prediction.
- Zhang, Z., Singh, A., Derveni, F., Torabian, S., Peterman, K. D., Hutchinson, T. C., & Schafer, B. W. (2022). Cyclic experiments on steel sheet connections for standard CFS framed steel sheet sheathed shear walls. Journal of Structural Engineering, 148(2), 04021261.11:33
- Zhang, Z., Singh, A., Derveni, F., Torabian, S., Peterman, K. D., Hutchinson, T. C., & Schafer, B. W. (2021). Cyclic experiments on isolated steel sheet connections for CFS framed steel sheet sheathed shear walls with new configurations. Engineering Structures, 244, 112805.
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