ound project “engrarfins-projects/meeting-room-booking-systrm-client-app”. Link to it? yes 🔗 Linked to engrarfins-projects/meeting-room-booking-systrm-client-app (created .vercel and added it to .gitignore) 🔍 Inspect: https://vercel.com/engrarfins-projects/meeting-room-booking-systrm-client-app/8r3oUycVGEX7EhCanAhK3qgEKL6E [9s] ✅ Production: https://meeting-room-booking-systrm-client-momqgdsly.vercel.app [9s]
Live Link here: Meeting Room Booking System
Backend Live Link: Meeting Room Booking System
This platform provides a seamless and intuitive experience for users booking meeting rooms in co-working spaces. It offers robust features for both regular users and administrators, with a focus on user-friendly design, secure processes, and efficient room management.
- Secure Authentication:
- Supports login with email and social providers using NextAuth.
- Dynamic Room Availability:
- Displays real-time availability of meeting rooms.
- Booking Management:
- Users can book, edit, and cancel room reservations.
- Responsive Design:
- Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
- React: Component-based user interface.
- Redux: State management for handling user data and bookings.
- Axios: For API requests to the backend.
- Tailwind CSS: For styling the application.
Clone the repository:
- Copy past and enter :
cd e-commerce-web-nextjs-client-app
npm install
**Create .env file and give your info...
In order for this project to work, make sure to define the following environment variables in your .env file:
- Run Project:
npm run dev